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Morpheus Models

Pretrained models for Morpheus with corresponding training, validation scripts, and datasets.

Repo Structure

Every Morpheus use case has a directory, <use-case>-models, that contains the model files for the use case. Training and validation datasets and scripts are also provided in datasets, training-tuning-scripts, and validation-inference-scripts. Jupyter notebook (.ipynb) version of the training and fine-tuning scripts are also provided.

The triton_model_repo contains the necessary directory structure and configuration files in order to run the Morpheus Models in Triton Inference Server. This includes symlinks to the above-mentioned model files along with corresponding Triton configuration files (.pbtxt). More information on how to deploy this repository to Triton can be found in the README.

Models can also be published to an MLflow server and deployed to Triton using the MLflow Triton plugin. The MLflow directory contains information on how to set up a Docker container to run an MLflow server for publishing Morpheus models and deploying them to Triton.

In the root directory, the file model-information.csv contains the following information for each model:

  • Model name - Name of the model
  • Use case - Specific Morpheus use case the model targets
  • Owner - Name of the individual who owns the model
  • Version - Version of the model (major.minor.patch)
  • Model overview - General description
  • Model architecture - General model architecture
  • Training - Training dataset and paradigm
  • How to use this model - Circumstances where this model is useful
  • Input data - Typical data that is used as input to the model
  • Output - Type and format of model output
  • Out-of-scope use cases - Use cases not envisioned during development
  • Ethical considerations - Ethical analysis of risks and harms
  • References - Resources used in model development
  • Training epochs - Number of epochs used during training
  • Batch size - Batch size used during training
  • GPU model - Family of GPU used during training
  • Model accuracy - Accuracy of the model when tested
  • Model F1 - F1 score of the model when tested
  • Small test set accuracy - Accuracy of model on validation data in datasets directory
  • Memory footprint - Memory required by the model
  • Thresholds - Values of thresholds used for validation
  • NLP hash file - Hash file for tokenizer vocabulary
  • NLP max length - Max length value for tokenizer
  • NLP stride - stride value for tokenizer
  • NLP do lower - do_lower value for tokenizer
  • NLP do truncate - do_truncate value for tokenizer
  • Version CUDA - CUDA version used during training
  • Version Python - Python version used during training
  • Version Ubuntu - Ubuntu version used during training
  • Version Transformers - Transformers version used during training

Model Card Info

Sensitive Information Detection (SID)

Model Overview

SID is a classifier, designed to detect sensitive information (for example, AWS credentials, GitHub credentials) in unencrypted data. This example model classifies text containing these 10 categories of sensitive information- address, bank account, credit card number, email address, government id number, full name, password, phone number, secret keys, and usernames.

Model Architecture

Compact BERT-mini transformer model


Training consisted of fine-tuning the original pretrained model from Google. The labeled training dataset is 2 million synthetic PCAP payloads generated using the faker package to mimic sensitive and benign data found in nested JSON objects from web APIs and environmental variables.

How To Use This Model

This model is an example of customized transformer-based sensitive information detection. It can be further fine-tuned for specific detection needs or retrained for alternative categorizations using the fine-tuning scripts in the repo.


English text from PCAP payloads


Multi-label sequence classification for 10 sensitive information categories


Well-Read Students Learn Better: On the Importance of Pre-training Compact Models, 2019,

Phishing Email Detection

Model Overview

Phishing email detection is a binary classifier differentiating between phishing/spam and non-phishing/spam emails and SMS messages.

Model Architecture

BERT-base uncased transformer model


Training consisted of fine-tuning the original pretrained model from google. The labeled training dataset is around 5000 SMS messages from a public dataset- SMS Spam Collection

How To Use This Model

This model is an example of customized transformer-based phishing email detection. It can be retrained for specific detection needs and customized the emails of your enterprise using the training scripts in the repo.


Entire email as a string


Binary sequence classification as phishing/spam or non-phishing/spam


Anomalous Behavior Profiling (ABP)

Model Overview

This model is an example of a binary classifier to differentiate between anomalous GPU behavior such as cryptocurrency mining / GPU malware, and non-anomalous GPU-based workflows (for example, ML/DL training). The model is an XGBoost model.

Model Architecture



Training consisted of ~1000 labeled nv-smi logs generated from processes running either GPU malware or benign GPU-based workflows.

How To Use This Model

This model can be used to flag anomalous GPU activity.


nv-smi data


Binary classification as anomalous or benign.


Chen, Guestrin (2016) XGBoost. A scalable tree boosting system.

Digital Fingerprinting (DFP)

Model Overview

This use case is currently implemented to detect changes in users' behavior that indicate a change from a human to a machine or a machine to a human. The model is an ensemble of an Autoencoder and fast Fourier transform reconstruction.

Model Architecture

The model is an ensemble of an Autoencoder and a fast Fourier transform reconstruction. The reconstruction loss of new log data through the trained Autoencoder is used as an anomaly score. Concurrently, the timestamps of user/entity activity are used for a time series analysis to flag activity with poor reconstruction after a fast Fourier transform.


The Autoencoder is trained on a baseline benign period of user activity.

How To Use This Model

This model is one example of an Autoencoder trained from a baseline for benign activity from synthetic user-123 and role-g. This model combined with validation data from Morpheus examples can be used to test the DFP Morpheus pipeline. It has little utility outside of testing.


aws-cloudtrail logs


Anomalous score of Autoencoder, Binary classification of time series anomaly detection


Flexible Log Parsing

Model Overview

This model is an example of using Named Entity Recognition (NER) for log parsing, specifically apache web logs.

Model Architecture

BERT-based cased transformer model with NER classification layer


Training consisted of fine-tuning the original pretrained model from Google. The labeled training dataset is 1000 parsed apache web logs from a public dataset Loghub

How To Use This Model

This model is one example of a BERT-model trained to parse raw logs. It can be used to parse apache web logs or retrained to parse other types of logs as well. The model file has a corresponding config.json file with the names of the fields it parses.


raw apache web logs


parsed apache web log as jsonlines


Fraud Detection

Model Overview

This model shows an application of a graph neural network for fraud detection in a credit card transaction graph. A transaction dataset that includes three types of nodes, transaction, client, and merchant nodes is used for modeling. A combination of GraphSAGE along XGBoost is used to identify frauds in the transaction networks.

Model Architecture

It uses a bipartite heterogeneous graph representation as input for GraphSAGE for feature learning and XGBoost as a classifier. Since the input graph is heterogeneous, a heterogeneous implementation of GraphSAGE (HinSAGE) is used for feature embedding.


A training data consists of raw 753 labeled credit card transaction data with data augmentation in a total of 12053 labeled transaction data. The GraphSAGE is trained to output embedded representation of transactions out of the graph. The XGBoost is trained using the embedded features as a binary classifier to classify fraud and genuine transactions.

How To Use This Model

This model is an example of a fraud detection pipeline using a graph neural network and gradient boosting trees. This can be further retrained or fine-tuned to be used for similar types of transaction networks with similar graph structures.


Transaction data with nodes including transaction, client, and merchant.


An anomalous score of transactions indicates a probability score of being a fraud.


Ransomware Detection via AppShield

Model Overview

This model shows an application of DOCA AppShield to use data from volatile memory to classify processes as ransomware or benign. This model uses a sliding window over time and feeds derived data into a random forest classifiers of various lengths depending on the amount of data collected.

Model Architecture

The model uses input from Volatility plugins in DOCA AppShield to aggregate and derive features over snapshots in time. The features are used as input into three random forest binary classifiers.


Training data consists of 87968 labeled AppShield processes from 32 snapshots collected from 256 unique benign and ransomware activities.

How To Use This Model

Combined with host data from DOCA AppShield, this model can be used to detect ransomware. A training notebook is also included so that users can update the model as more labeled data is collected.


Snapshots collected from DOCA AppShield


For each process_id and snapshot there is a probability score between 1 and 0, where 1 is ransomware and 0 is benign.


Root Cause Analysis

Model Overview

Root cause analysis is a binary classifier differentiating between ordinary logs and errors/problems/root causes in the log files.

Model Architecture

BERT-base uncased transformer model


Training consisted of fine-tuning the original pre-trained model from google. The labeled dataset is Linux kernel logs, and it has two parts. Kernel errors and new errors. Kernel logs will be split into two parts so that the new and unseen error logs can be appended to the test set after the split to later check if the model can catch them despite not seeing such errors in the training.

How To Use This Model

This model is an example of customized transformer-based root cause analysis. It can be further fine-tuned for specific root cause analysis or predictive maintenance needs and of your enterprise using the fine-tuning scripts in the repo. The hyper parameters can be optimised to adjust to get the best results with your dataset. The aim is to get the model to predict some false positives that could be previously unknown error types. Users can use this root cause analysis method with other log types too. If they have known failures in their logs, they can use them to train along with ordinary logs and can detect other root causes they weren't aware of before.


Kernel logs


Binary sequence classification as ordinary or root cause
