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ribofy: ORF detection using RiboSeq data

Ribofy is a fast and simple python-based tool for detection of phased p-sites across open-reading-frames (ORFs)


  • pip (soon)
pip install ribofy
  • from source
git clone
cd ribofy
python install

Running ribofy

First, all ORFs are assembled from an annotation file (preferably gencode GTF) and the corresponding genome fasta (should not take more than 5-10 minutes). This is only required once per genome/annotation:

ribofy orfs --gtf <path/to/gtf> --fa <path/to/fasta>

The genome fasta-file must be indexed prior to ORF assembly:

samtools faidx <path/to/fasta>

Currently, ribofy is compatible with STAR, kallisto and salmon mapped reads. Recommended mapping commands:

  • STAR
STAR --genomeDir <path/to/STAR_index> --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate 
--readFilesIn <path/to/fastq_files> --readFilesCommand zcat --outFileNamePrefix <sample_prefix>. 
  • salmon
salmon quant -i </path/to/salmon_index -l A </path/to/fastq_files> --gcBias --validateMappings {additional_params} --writeMappings=</path/to/output.bam> -o </path/to/output>
  • kallisto
kallisto quant -i </path/kallisto_index> --bias -o </path/to/output> --single --pseudobam --fr-stranded -l 30 -s 2 </path/to/fastq_files>

Note that for kallisto and salmon, genome indexing should be performed with reduced k-mer value to allow mapping of <30nt ribosome-protected fragments.

Before running ribofy, bam-files should be sorted and indexed:

samtools sort </path/to/bamfile> > </path/to/sorted/bam_file>
samtools index </path/to/sorted/bam_file>

Then, run ribofy:

ribofy detect --orfs <path/to/orf/assembly> --bams </path/to/bamfiles> --prefix <prefix>

Under the hood

  1. Ribofy infers the p-site offsets for read-lengths between 25 and 35 (although this can be customized) and outputs the <prefix>.offset.txt

  2. Then, for each ORF, ribofy counts the p-sites and evaluates the statistical enrichment of in-frame p-sites. This outputs the <prefix>.phasing.txt

  3. Finally, Ribofy collects the individual ORFs into ORF-groups (collapsing overlapping and correlating ORFs), preserving only the highest expressed ORF (based on overall coverage), performs ORF-type specific FDR corrections and outputs the final <prefix>.results.txt


in preparation


Thomas Hansen ([email protected])