is the place to record awesome command-line snippets. This tool allows you to search and view the results into your terminal.
Example 1
$ clf python server
# python smtp server
python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025
# Python version 3: Serve current directory tree at http://$HOSTNAME:8000/
python -m http.server
# Start a HTTP server which serves Python docs
pydoc -p 8888 & gnome-open http://localhost:8888
# put current directory in LAN quickly
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
# An alternative to: python -m SimpleHTTPServer for Arch Linux
python3 -m http.server
Example 2
$ clf recursive line count
# Recursive Line Count
find ./ -not -type d | xargs wc -l | cut -c 1-8 | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}'
# Recursive Line Count
find * -type f -not -name ".*" | xargs wc -l
# Get Total Line Count Of All Files In Subdirectory (Recursive)
find . -type f -name "*.*" -exec cat {} > totalLines 2> /dev/null \; && wc -l totalLines && rm totalLines
# Recursive Line Count
wc -l `find . -name *.php`
The tool works with Python 2 and Python 3. It can be installed with Pip :
pip install clf
Command line tool to search snippets on Usage: clf --browse [options] clf <command> [options] clf <keyword> <keyword>... [options] Options: -h, --help Show this help. -v, --version Show version. -c, --color Enable colorized output. -b, --browse Browse the archive. -n NUMBER Show the n first snippets [default: 25]. --order=ORDER The order output (votes|date) [default: votes]. --proxy=PROXY The proxy used to perform requests. Examples: clf tar clf python server clf tar --proxy= clf --browse --order=date
- You can set the CLF_COLOR environment variable to enable the colorized output by default.
- You can import the
module and use it in your own scripts :
>>> from clf import Clf >>> c = Clf() >>> for cmd in c.browse(): >>> print(cmd.summary) >>> print(cmd.command)