OpenRefine is a free, open source power tool for working with messy data and improving it.
docker build -t activeeon/openrefine .
docker run -p 3333:3333 activeeon/openrefine:latest
point your browser on host machine to http://localhost:3333 (or on any machine within your network)
docker run --rm -p 80:3333 -v /home/user/data:/data:z activeeon/openrefine:latest -i -d /data -m 4G
- automatically remove docker container when it exits (
) - publish internal port 3333 to host port 80 (
-p 80:3333
) - let OpenRefine read and write data in host directory
- mount host path /home/felix/refine to container path /data (
-v /home/felix/refine:/data:z
) - set OpenRefine workspace to /data (
-d /data
- mount host path /home/felix/refine to container path /data (
- pin docker tag 3.2 (i.e. OpenRefine version) (
) - set Openrefine to be accessible from outside the container, i.e. from host (
) - increase java heap size to 4G (
-m 4g
- Command line interface for OpenRefine: openrefine-client
- Linux Bash script to run OpenRefine in batch mode (import, transform, export):