Parse an ISO BMFF using nodejs.
Returns a structured javascript object of iso-bmff boxes.
What is ISO-BMFF: tldr version, full version
This is still a work in progress !
npm install iso-bmff
var chunkFile = './media/audio.m4s'
var fs = require('fs');
var isoBmff = require('../index.js');
var chunkStream = fs.createReadStream(chunkFile, {
flags: 'r',
encoding: null,
fd: null,
mode: 0666,
autoClose: true
var unboxing = new isoBmff.Parser(function (err, data) {
Output is something like this
Every box can have it's own parser module, to analyze and parse box binary data, and return something meaningful.
See the lib/box folder for these modules, and currently supported box types.