Simon is a game created by Ralph Baer and Howard J. Morrison in 1978. It was a great success during the 80s. It has a disk shape, on one of its faces you can see four quadrants, each with a color. Its name is due to well-known traditional game of the same name: Simon says, where it's inspired.
The game randomly illuminates the colored quadrants, and at the same time that it illuminates each quadrant emits its own sound. After waiting, the user must enter the sequence shown in the correct order, using his visual and audible memory. If you get it, you respond with a longer sequence, and so on. If it fails, the user must start over.
- Vanilla JS
I used SweetAlert2 to show nice alerts in some statuses of the game
- Open index.html in the browser
- Click the '🕹 Press to start 🕹' button
- Play
- Add sound when you pick a color
- Add sound when the color is shown
- Add sound when you win or lose
- Add possibility of selecting the max level
- Add possibility of stop/restart the game
- Add new visual styles to the game
- Manuel Puchades Bresó - Frontend Developer - Twitter
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