The easiest way to get quickly started with Cassandra is to follow the instructions provided by Datastax
Download a pre-built Spark from Untar the tar.gz downloaded with
tar -xvf spark-*-.tgz
If you would like to run against a separate executor JVM then you need a running Spark Master and Worker. By default the spark-shell will run in local mode (driver/master/executor share a jvm.)
Go to the newly created directory and start up Spark in stand-alone mode bound to localhost
cd spark*
At this point you should be able to access the Spark UI at localhost:8080. In the display you should see a single worker. At the top of this website you should see a URL set for the spark master. Save the master address (the entire spark://something:7077) if you would like to connect the shell to this stand alone spark master (use as sparkMasterAddress below).