NTT Data
- Munich / Germany
This is no longer the active Jersey repository. Please see the README.md
TornadoVM: A practical and efficient heterogeneous programming framework for managed languages
Payara Server is an open source middleware platform that supports reliable and secure deployments of Java EE (Jakarta EE) and MicroProfile applications in any environment: on premise, in the cloud …
JAX-RS & SpringMVC supported maven build plugin, helps you generate Swagger JSON and API document in build phase.
This is an implementation of RFC 6902 JSON Patch written in Java
QDox - full extractor of Java class/interface/method definitions (including annotations, parameters, param names)
Java implementation of ChromeCast V2 protocol client
A Java Petstore using the Java EE 7
Library for accessing HTTP Archives (HAR) with Java
Example of using swagger-maven-plugin (https://github.com/kongchen/swagger-maven-plugin)
Servlet filter for logging requests and responses
Simple, high performance HTTP capture and replay
Simple example - jersey with embedded grizzly
Simple Tutorial on how to use Progress DataDirect JDBC drivers
basic create/read/write support for Eclipse UML2 models in non-Eclipse applications