issues Search Results · repo:neojato/T-Hawk language:JavaScript
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inneojato/T-Hawk (press backspace or delete to remove)Hi
This code is proving very useful to me, thanks for sharing it
But there is something that I cannot find to complete it ...
Does anyone know if you can complete this script or perform another one ...
- 1
- Opened on Apr 8, 2021
- #14
I followed all the instructions on the README but after several hours and no errors I am not seeing anything on Twitter.
I even looked for a different twitter library (on more recent) and still nothing ...
- 7
- Opened on Jan 12, 2021
- #12
Our community wants to keep track of our hashtag, but it isn t uncommon for trolls to spam the hashtag with porn,
insults, etc. The retweet bot retweets all these things /even if they come from accounts ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 28, 2020
- #11
Tweet favorite failed. Error was: { name : Exception }
options were: { method : POST , payload : id=1269419297157365761 , headers :{ Authorization : OAuth oauth_consumer_key=\
XXXXXX\ , oauth_nonce=\ ...
- 2
- Opened on Jun 7, 2020
- #10
I followed the steps in the readme document and executed the script. It runs without any error but isn t working on
twitter that means no likes for the hashtag.
Can some help me debug, please?
- 6
- Opened on Jun 5, 2020
- #9
I followed instructions and it seems to run fine with no errors, but I am not seeing any likes or retweets in my twitter
account...any thoughts? setup app in and added resource library, etc.. ...
- 2
- Opened on May 3, 2020
- #8
I changed these lines to fix the problem for me, can also submit a PR
if (tweets) { to if (tweets.length 0) {
the twitter api must send back an object that is truthy but has length 0.
after the since_id ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 23, 2020
- #6
Really it s good job but how can modify it to get only latest tweets and like it
thank u
- 1
- Opened on Jun 28, 2019
- #5
Is there a way to process more than one tweet at a time. I found the line to change the number (line 40) but when I
change it to anything greater then 1 it errors out the script. I am not looking to spam ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 10, 2018
- #4
When the tweet has link , the script fails to read the hashtags ? What to do about it ?
waiting for user reply
- 2
- Opened on Jun 4, 2018
- #3

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