The module provides datasources for different databases. When API need process database with data retrieve and data persistent, setting datasource will be the start point for the API.
light-4j data-source module use lightweight java DB connection library (HikariCP) as datasource base:
data-source module defined a generic datasource(GenericDataSource) pre-defined several datasources for major databases (extend GenericDataSource):
- MysqlDataSource
- PostgresDataSource
- MariaDataSource
- OracleDataSource
- SqlServerDataSource
- H2DataSource
If user need define new datasources for other databases, simply create a new datasource class which extend GenericDataSource. And if user want to customize the pre-defined datasource with other config values, we can extend the pre-defined datasource and add customized config for the datasource. Please refer to CustomMysqlDataSource in test package
There are two config files involve withe the setting (datasource.yml & service.yml) and both two be extend to use values.yml"
For example:
MysqlDataSource: ${datasource.MysqlDataSource:}
singletons: ${service.singletons:}
# Service Singletons
- com.networknt.decrypt.Decryptor:
- com.networknt.decrypt.AESDecryptor
- com.networknt.db.GenericDataSource:
- com.networknt.db.MysqlDataSource:
- java.lang.String:
- com.networknt.accountservic.dao.AccountDao:
- com.networknt.accountservic.dao.AccountDaoImpl
# datasource.yml
DriverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3308/account_db?useSSL=false
username: account_user
password: CRYPT:odPqWOazjDxeVcOU3j0YCc2+LdwfgiJmoFcWTSoKRUw=
maximumPoolSize: 2
connectionTimeout: 5000
idleTimeout: 50000
minimumIdle: 1
useServerPrepStmts: 'true'
cachePrepStmts: 'true'
cacheCallableStmts: 'true'
prepStmtCacheSize: '4096'
prepStmtCacheSqlLimit: '2048'
verifyServerCertificate: 'false'
useSSL: 'true'
requireSSL: 'true'
The Database config value include three parts:
main section which include major config for HikariDataSource, for example connection string,username/password, etc.
settings section, which used to invoke HikariDataSource set methods for the specified parameters. for example, if there is a parameter: idleTimeout: 50000 it will call HikariDataSource setIdleTimeout() method for specified value
parameters section which used to specify the datasource config properties for HikariDataSource(addDataSourceProperty())
DAO java class:
private DataSource dataSource;
public AccountDaoImpl(GenericDataSource genericDataSource) {
dataSource = genericDataSource.getDataSource();
- By using datasource factory
- com.networknt.db.factory.DataSourceFactory:
- com.networknt.db.factory.DefaultDataSourceFactory
Get the datasource by default datasource factory
DataSource dataSource = SingletonServiceFactory.getBean(DataSourceFactory.class).getDataSource("OracleDataSource");
- Tutorial document with step by step guide to set and use datasources