Delta Standalone, formerly known as the Delta Standalone Reader (DSR), is a JVM library to read and write Delta tables. Unlike, this project doesn't use Spark to read or write tables and it has only a few transitive dependencies. It can be used by any application that cannot use a Spark cluster.
- To compile the project, run
build/sbt standalone/compile
- To test the project, run
build/sbt standalone/test
- To publish the JAR, run
build/sbt standaloneCosmetic/publishM2
See Delta Standalone for detailed documentation.
Read Delta tables directly from Apache Hive using the Hive Connector. See the dedicated for more details.
Use the Flink/Delta Connector to read and write Delta tables from Apache Flink applications. The connector includes a sink for writing to Delta tables from Apache Flink, and a source for reading Delta tables using Apache Flink (still in progress.) See the dedicated for more details.
sql-delta-import allows for importing data from a JDBC source into a Delta table.
The connector for Microsoft Power BI is basically just a custom Power Query function that allows you to read a Delta table from any file-based data source supported by Microsoft Power BI. Details can be found in the dedicated