Single Image Super-Resolution from Transformed Self-Exemplars (CVPR 2015)
Matlab implementation of the ECO tracker.
RGB-D Salient Object Detection: A Survey
[CVPR'16] Staple: Complementary Learners for Real-Time Tracking"
DCFNet: Discriminant Correlation Filters Network for Visual Tracking
The Continuous Convolution Operator Tracker (C-COT).
Learning Spatial-Temporal Regularized Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking (CVPR 2018)
evaluation toolbox for salient object detection
Revisiting Video Saliency: A Large-scale Benchmark and a New Model (CVPR18, PAMI19)
This Toolbox contains E-measure, S-measure, weighted F & F-measure, MAE and PR curves or bar metrics for salient object detection.
Matlab implementation of TIP2019 paper "Learning Adaptive Discriminative Correlation Filters via Temporal Consistency Preserving Spatial Feature Selection for Robust Visual Object Tracking"
Implementation of MOSSE tracker in MATLAB: Visual Object Tracking using Adaptive Correlation Filters (CVPR 2010)
A resource collection of RGBT Salient Object Detection
The code and data to plot edge PR curves for many existing edge detectors
MATLAB implementation of the paper Salient Object Detection: A Discriminative Regional Feature Integration Approach
A brief comparison of the two energy effecient protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) namely LEACH and EAMMH
Enhancing Probabilistic Appearance-Based Object Tracking with Depth Information: Multiple Object Tracking under Occlusion
Robust Visual Tracking via Hierarchical Convolutional Features
Enhanced-alignment Measure for Binary Foreground Map Evaluation, IJCAI 2018 (Oral)
Local Feature Matching of images using SIFT
Extract airport objects in remote sensing images using saliency analysis and active contour model
X. Wang, Y. Zhong, C. Cui, L. Zhang and Y. Xu, "Autonomous Endmember Detection via an Abundance Anomaly Guided Saliency Prior for Hyperspectral Imagery," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remo…
Going from RGB to RGBD saliency: A depth-guided transformation model, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2019.
Public code of DSAR-CF (Dynamic Saliency-Aware Regularization for Correlation Filter based Object Tracking, in TIP 2019).
to compute saliency maps from light-field data
This repo can compute the ratio of obj.area and obj.contrast on binary saliency dataset.
Fast Scale-adaptive Correlation Tracking, a matlab implement version.