A GitLab API client enabling Go programs to interact with GitLab in a simple and uniform way
Support for the V4 API (which contains some backwards incompatible changes) is being worked on in the f-api-v4
branch. So please use that branch if you need features specific to the V4 API. I hope to get some time/support on short term to be able to fix the work in that branch and merge it into master (progress and things left to do can be followed here).
Release v0.5.0 (released on 22-03-2017) no longer supports Go versions older then 1.7.x If you want (or need) to use an older Go version please use v0.4.1
This API client package covers 100% of the existing GitLab API calls! So this includes all calls to the following services:
- Users
- Session
- Projects (including setting Webhooks)
- Project Snippets
- Services
- Repositories
- Repository Files
- Commits
- Branches
- Merge Requests
- Issues
- Labels
- Milestones
- Notes (comments)
- Deploy Keys
- System Hooks
- Groups
- Namespaces
- Settings
- Pipelines
- Version
import "github.com/xanzy/go-gitlab"
Construct a new GitLab client, then use the various services on the client to access different parts of the GitLab API. For example, to list all users:
git := gitlab.NewClient(nil, "yourtokengoeshere")
users, _, err := git.Users.ListUsers()
Some API methods have optional parameters that can be passed. For example, to list all projects for user "svanharmelen":
git := gitlab.NewClient(nil)
opt := &ListProjectsOptions{Search: gitlab.String("svanharmelen")}
projects, _, err := git.Projects.ListProjects(opt)
The examples directory contains a couple for clear examples, of which one is partially listed here as well:
package main
import (
func main() {
git := gitlab.NewClient(nil, "yourtokengoeshere")
// Create new project
p := &gitlab.CreateProjectOptions{
Name: gitlab.String("My Project"),
Description: gitlab.String("Just a test project to play with"),
MergeRequestsEnabled: gitlab.Bool(true),
SnippetsEnabled: gitlab.Bool(true),
Visibility: gitlab.VisibilityLevel(gitlab.PublicVisibility),
project, _, err := git.Projects.CreateProject(p)
if err != nil {
// Add a new snippet
s := &gitlab.CreateSnippetOptions{
Title: gitlab.String("Dummy Snippet"),
FileName: gitlab.String("snippet.go"),
Code: gitlab.String("package main...."),
Visibility: gitlab.VisibilityLevel(gitlab.PublicVisibility),
_, _, err = git.ProjectSnippets.CreateSnippet(project.ID, s)
if err != nil {
For complete usage of go-gitlab, see the full package docs.
- The biggest thing this package still needs is tests 😞
- If you have an issue: report it on the issue tracker
Sander van Harmelen ([email protected])
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0