This repository consists of two projects: the Module Management Agent (edge-agent) and the Edge Hub (edge-hub).
Make sure the following dependencies are installed in your environment before you build IoT Edge code:
Dependency | Notes |
.NET Core 2.0 | Installation instructions here. |
Java | Not needed if building in VS IDE (Windows). Otherwise, JRE is required to compile the Antlr4 grammar files into C# classes, and java must be on your path. |
Besides using Visual Studio IDE in Windows, you can build by running the build script:
Binaries are published to target/publish/
Besides using Test Explorer in Visual Studio IDE, you can run the unit tests with:
To run integration tests and/or BVTs, make sure the following dependencies are installed in your environment:
Dependency | Notes |
Azure CLI | Installation instructions here |
Powershell | Installation instructions here |
Jq | Installation instructions here |
Docker | Installation instructions here. In Linux environments, be sure to follow the post-installation steps so the tests can run without sudo . |
The integration tests and BVTs expect to find certain values in an Azure KeyVault (see edge-util/test/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util.Test.Common/settings/base.json
). For the tests to access the KeyVault at runtime, a certificate must first be installed in the environment where the tests will run. Install the KeyVault certificate with:
scripts/linux/ <SpUsername> <SpPassword> <AadTenant> <CertName> <VaultName>
Argument | Description |
SpUsername | Service principal username. See az login help. |
SpPassword | Service principal password. See az login help. |
AadTenant | Azure Active Directory tenant. See az login help. |
CertName | Certificate name. See --secret in az keyvault secret show help. |
VaultName | KeyVault name. See az keyvault secret show help. |
powershell scripts\windows\DownloadAndInstallCertificate.ps1 <VaultName> <CertificateName>
Argument | Description |
VaultName | KeyVault name. See Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret help. |
CertName | Certificate name. See Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret help. |
Then run the tests either with Test Explorer in Visual Studio IDE, or with:
scripts/linux/ "--filter Category=Integration|Category=Bvt"
scripts\windows\runTests.bat "--filter Category=Integration|Category=Bvt"
The syntax of the "filter" argument is described here. All IoT Edge tests are categorized as one of Unit
, Integration
, or Bvt