IQDB is a reverse image search system. It lets you search a database of images to find images that are visually similar to a given image.
This version of IQDB is a fork of the original IQDB used by, based on the (IQDB fork)[] used by Danbooru.
Reimplementing the algorithm and features in Rust as a learning exercise.
This version of IQDB is a fork of the Danbooru implementation of IQDB, which is forked from the original IQDB. The original code is written by piespy. IQDB is based on code from imgSeek, written by Ricardo Niederberger Cabral. The IQDB algorithm is based on the paper Fast Multiresolution Image Querying by Charles E. Jacobs, Adam Finkelstein, and David H. Salesin.
OIQDB is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, following the licensing of IQDB. See COPYING for details.
Thanks to the Rust community for providing documentation and tutorials, the authors of the original algorithm, implementations and forks.