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The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer
The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。
本文原文由知名 Hacker Eric S. Raymond 所撰寫,教你如何正確的提出技術問題並獲得你滿意的答案。
Roadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert in 2022
Automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web.
A highly customizable homepage (or startpage / application dashboard) with Docker and service API integrations.
A modern ebook manager and reader with sync and backup capacities for Windows, macOS, Linux and Web
cmliu / edgetunnel
Forked from zizifn/edgetunnel在原版的基础上修改了显示 VLESS 配置信息转换为订阅内容。使用该脚本,你可以方便地将 VLESS 配置信息使用在线配置转换到 Clash 或 Singbox 等工具中。
Code for the book Grokking Algorithms (
Easiest 1-click way to create beautiful artwork on your PC using AI, with no tech knowledge. Provides a browser UI for generating images from text prompts and images. Just enter your text prompt, a…
A Dark Room - A Minimalist Text Adventure
Web site for and source to the Python 3.0 textbook
毒奶自用,懒人配置文件(Quantumult X):去广告分流规则、Tiktok解锁重写、VSCO解锁、神机分流、blackmatrix7分流规则。
World's first AI meeting copilot
An obsidian plugin for publishing docs to WordPress.
An Alexandria community initiative to embed all of human belief. See more:
Website source code for our ACM MM'23 paper "Hierarchical Masked 3D Diffusion Model for Video Outpainting".