This is my brand new attempt to improve zsh performance by using some cool solutions like:
OBS: this repo also contains my vim configuration including a bunch of plugins (a big vimwiki with many linux and vim tips)
I have an article at about this project:
for i in {1..10}; time zsh -ci exit
zsh -ci exit 0,03s user 0,03s system 74% cpu 0,081 total
zsh -ci exit 0,03s user 0,03s system 73% cpu 0,082 total
zsh -ci exit 0,06s user 0,00s system 75% cpu 0,079 total
zsh -ci exit 0,05s user 0,01s system 76% cpu 0,079 total
zsh -ci exit 0,02s user 0,04s system 74% cpu 0,081 total
zsh -ci exit 0,06s user 0,00s system 74% cpu 0,081 total
zsh -ci exit 0,04s user 0,02s system 74% cpu 0,081 total
zsh -ci exit 0,01s user 0,05s system 72% cpu 0,083 total
zsh -ci exit 0,06s user 0,00s system 74% cpu 0,080 total
zsh -ci exit 0,03s user 0,03s system 74% cpu 0,080 total
# http version
git clone --recursive -j8 .dotfiles
git fetch --recurse-submodules --jobs=8