Basic configuration for the project on the master branch. What configurations you can find:
- Babel
- Webpack
- Typescript
- Eslint
- Jest
- Precommit hooks / husky
Math calculator with basic arithmetic operations without eval
npm run calc
Then you can calc simple math operations
> 10 + 10
Result: 20
> 10 + 10 * 20 - 30
Result: 180
> 19 + -10
Result: 9
- @babel/preset-react
- Storybook
- Jest config
Update storybook + MDX
- React elements
- Component docs
- Project architecture
- Generics
- Classes
- Indexed types/mapped types/infer
- React+Typescript: common pitfalls
- React state/props
- PureComponent
- function component;
- destructuring props;
- JSX spread attributes;
- merge destructured props with other values;
- conditional rendering;
- children types;
- array as children;
- function as children;
- render prop;
- children pass-through;
- proxy component;
- style component.
- Event switch
- Layout component
- Container component
- Higher-order component
- State hoisting
- Controlled input
- Basic Hooks
- Deploy config
- Generators
- Integration testing
- redux-saga-test-plan
- E2E testing
- Stryker
Pull request
Pull request2
- Webworker + Comlink