This is a new, native macOS port of Writing Tools, created entirely by @Aryamirsepasi 🎉
Core functionality works well, and it is still an ongoing work in progress.
- All of the tools, including the new response windows and the manual chat option.
- Input Window even when no text is selected
- Gemini, OpenAI and Local LLM Support.
- The Gradient Theme (Dark Mode and Light Mode are supported).
- Initial Setup, Settings, and About pages.
- All of the original port's features are now available; however, more optimizations and improvements are coming soon.
Due to the accessibility features the app uses (e.g., automatically selecting the window containing the text and pasting the updated version), the minimum macOS version required is 14.0.
Since the .xcodeproj
file is excluded, you can still build the project manually by following these steps:
This guide will help you properly set up the Writing Tools macOS project in Xcode.
- macOS 14.0 or later
- Xcode 15.0 or later
- Git
Install Xcode
- Download and install Xcode from the App Store
- Launch Xcode once installed and complete any additional component installations
Clone the Repository
- Open Terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to store the project:
git clone
Open in Xcode
- Open Xcode
- Select "Open an existing project..." from the options.
- Navigate to the macOS folder within the WritingTools directory that you cloned previously, and select "writing-tools.xcodeproj"
Configure Project Settings
- In Xcode, select the project in the Navigator pane.
- Under "Targets", select "writing-tools"
- Set the following:
- Deployment Target: macOS 14.0
- Signing & Capabilities: Add your development team
Build and Run
- In Xcode, select "My Mac" as the run destination
- Click the Play button or press ⌘R to build and run
- The project requires macOS 14.0+ due to accessibility features
- Make sure all required permissions are granted when first launching the app
- For development, ensure you have the latest Xcode Command Line Tools installed
The macOS port is being developed by Aryamirsepasi.
The amazing picture processing functionality was created by Joaov41 GitHub:
Special Thanks to @sindresorhus for developing an amazing and stable keyboard shortcuts package for Swift.