🧑🏫 60+ Implementations/tutorials of deep learning papers with side-by-side notes 📝; including transformers (original, xl, switch, feedback, vit, ...), optimizers (adam, adabelief, sophia, ...), ga…
A collection of learning resources for curious software engineers
A set of examples around pytorch in Vision, Text, Reinforcement Learning, etc.
🐍 Geometric Computer Vision Library for Spatial AI
A logical, reasonably standardized, but flexible project structure for doing and sharing data science work.
A command line toolkit to generate maps, point clouds, 3D models and DEMs from drone, balloon or kite images. 📷
docTR (Document Text Recognition) - a seamless, high-performing & accessible library for OCR-related tasks powered by Deep Learning.
Official codebase for Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling.
A modular high-level library to train embodied AI agents across a variety of tasks and environments.
Mobile manipulation research tools for roboticists
Code for the paper "Offline Reinforcement Learning as One Big Sequence Modeling Problem"
Official code and checkpoint release for "GNM: A General Navigation Model to Drive Any Robot".
Learning with 3D rotations, a hitchhiker’s guide to SO(3) - ICML 2024
Unified storage framework for the entire machine learning lifecycle
Conversion between different conventions of camera matrices and transform matrices.
OnnxTR a docTR (Document Text Recognition) library Onnx pipeline wrapper - for seamless, high-performing & accessible OCR
Zero Experience Required: Plug & Play Modular Transfer Learning for Semantic Visual Navigation. CVPR 2022