To build an accessible map that provides information on San Diego County local food resources. The Food Resource map will allow users to find food distribution sites that meet their requirements (e.g: location, food distribute times, availability, and food distribution elibility).
Project team members meet during the regularly Open San Diego project nights. See the Open San Diego website for more information.
Once you volunteer to work on an issue assign yourself to the issue or ask a Project Lead to assign you to the issue. Read the issue, request clarification of the issue, and desired outcome with Project leads.
Login to your GitHub account, if you have not done so already, requested access to the project repository so that you can contribute to it. Once access has been provied to your account create a fork
of the project using GitHub's UI.
Note: These steps assume Command Line usage, different development tools steps may be different, but the process flow should be similar.
After successfully forking the repository, clone the forked repository to your local development system, git clone <GitHub repository>
. The GitHub repository will be cloned to your local development system and its initial branch should be named master. Use git status
to display current branch you are on.
If you need to keep your changes seperate from other ongoing work, it is best to create a branch, as follows git branch <your branch name> master
. Checkout your branch, git checkout <branch name>
and make your changes on your branch.
Make your changes using your favorite editor, and then commit
the changes to your local branch, git commit
, you will be prompted to enter a commit comment, ensure it is meaningful to your commit.
Once your change has been completed and committed successful on your branch. Swtich to the master branch by checking out the master branch, git checkout master
. Merge your changes into the master, git merge <your branch name>
Once you are ready, push
the commit to the repository on GitHub, using git push origin master
. origin is the label of the GitHub repository, you can list the remote repositories it points to using git remote -v
On GitHub create a new Pull Request
(PR) on the upstream repository Select the new pull request
button, use the compare across forks link. Select the drop down base repository: opensandiego/sandiego-food-map, base: master, and your head repository: your forked repository name, compare: master in most cases. Select create pull request
, and you should be presented with a check mark with a message "Able to merge. These branches can be automatically merged."
Pull Request may be reviewed, feedback may be provide, and changes requested. After feedback or changes have been made, PR can be resubmitted, for review and accepted.
Refresh your forked repository to contain any changes from other pull requests.
- - Integration of Testing Framework
- GitHub Actions - CI/CD to automate testing against browsers, and devices
- Docker - Containerizing development
Virtually during weekly Open San Diego meeting hosted on Discord. On an Adhoc basis using Slack. An active Slack link can be found on our website:
CODE OF CONDUCT, please follow during your interactions with project team members.