Please refer to Download Raspbian and follow the instructions.
Download berryconda installer for RasPi 3B+. (I have tried official miniconda for RasPi, which does not work.) I would suggest you do these in tmux/screen if you are in a ssh environment. First, you may wanna use the following commands to download and run the installer script:
chmod +x
Follow the instructions to finish the installation of miniconda, choose yes when the installer prompts you
"Do you wish the installer to prepend the Miniconda3 install location to PATH in your /home/pi/.bashrc ?".
And then, log out and log in again to let .bashrc
work. Finally, this version of miniconda is quite outdated, so you will want to do:
conda update conda
conda update --all
to update the conda command and base environment.
Create the conda env with Python3.6:
conda create -n deepsim python=3.6 numpy scipy pandas scikit-learn scikit-image ipython
This command will also install matplotlib, pillow and some other dependencies we needed. It takes a while to finish, you may have a coffee break.
After the env is created, activate this env and then install other dependencies:
source activate deepsim
conda install seaborn h5py
conda install -c gaiar pytorch-cpu
conda install -c gaiar torchvision
pip install tqdm
You may also want to install other required softwares described in requirements.txt.
Now we need to download the trained models, dataset and the code to the Raspberry Pi, so that we could run our model on Raspberry Pi.
cd ~
git clone
cd DeepSim
As described in
, download the dataset
, mid_product
and models
folders, put them under the DeepSim
Finally, we could run the evaluation on a Raspberry Pi:
python --model SiameseSqueezeNet --margin 4 --weight SiameseSqueezeNet_02-19-15-24_best.pth
To solve tkinter related error:
conda install tk
sudo apt-get install tk-dev python3-tk python-tk
conda install python