Integrated seata into springboot+jpa+dubbo+druid project.
in this demo, we simulate a deposit service, there will be two tables, one is for deposit record, the other is the balance of account asset.
when we invoke increaseAmount, It will write a deposit record and then invoke a remote service called assignService
install a mysql server
connect to your db server, and execute sql/init_db.sql to init the table
Configure the Db instance address in /src/main/resources/application.yml, including database name, username and password
configure the spring.dubbo.registry in application.yml if necessary,if multicast is not ok, for example, you can set it as
start up your seata server, which means the tc role
Startup the SeataSpringbootApp .
visit , and you will see an exception, which throw by remote service, you can check your asset table, ps: you can vist many times as you wish.