We give the code to build a web-app solver using Gradio based on our AdjacencyClassifier_NoML model
from PIL import Image
from pylab import array
#Math and numpy
import math
import numpy as np
from random import seed
from random import randint
from random import sample
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as plticker
import gradio as gr
from io import BytesIO
import base64
import torch
from torchvision import transforms, utils
def get_puzzle_pieces(image_np):
"""Return the shuffled and randomly rotated puzzle pieces
given an image and the dim of each square puzzle piece """
puzzle_square_piece_dim = 100
#opening the image as a PIL image object
my_image = Image.fromarray(image_np)
#getting original image length and width
original_image_length = my_image.size[0]
original_image_width = my_image.size[1]
#Each puzzle piece is a square of dimension puzzle_square_piece_dim
puzzle_piece_length = puzzle_square_piece_dim
puzzle_piece_width = puzzle_square_piece_dim
#Resizing the image so that it can be cut up into integer number of square pieces
rows = original_image_length // puzzle_piece_length
cols = original_image_length // puzzle_piece_width
new_image_length = rows*puzzle_piece_length
new_image_width = cols*puzzle_piece_width
no_of_puzzle_pieces = rows*cols
my_image = my_image.resize((new_image_length, new_image_width))
#list_of_labels is [(0,0), (0,1), ..(0, c-1), (1,0), ..(1,c-1),.....(r-1,0), ...(r-1,c-1)]
#We create these r*c number of pieces by cropping the image appropriately
#We go from top to bottom row and in each row, from left to right cols.
#For each puzzle piece we create, we also randomly rotate it by 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees
#We record how much we rotate each piece by as we do this in a list called puzzle_pieces_orientation
#We store the puzzle pieces as we generate them in a list called puzzle_pieces
puzzle_pieces = []
puzzle_pieces_orientation = []
list_of_labels = []
i = 0
j = 0
while(i < rows):
while(j < cols):
random_int = randint(0,3)
angle_of_rotation = 90*(random_int)
j += 1
i += 1
j = 0
#new_labels is a permutation of list_of_labels
new_labels = sample(list_of_labels, len(list_of_labels))
#puzzle piece with old label (x,y) gets a new label which is new_label[x*cols + y] = (a,b) say.
#i.e., in the shuffled image, the puzzle piece is row a and col b is
#actually the puzzle piece that was in row x and col y in the original image.
#new_to_old_label_dict takes as keys the new labels and returns values as old label
#along with the angle of rotations of the puzzle pieces under consideration
top_left_piece_new_label= None
new_to_old_label_dict = {}
for new_label, old_label in zip(new_labels, list_of_labels):
x, y = old_label
new_to_old_label_dict[new_label] = (x,y, puzzle_pieces_orientation[x*cols+y])
if x==0 and y==0:
top_left_piece_new_label = new_label
top_left_piece_orientation = puzzle_pieces_orientation[x*cols+y]
#We store the shuffled pieces as numpy arrays in a list
#We again scan the shuffled image from top to botton row and in each row, scan from left to right cols
shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np = []
i = 0
j = 0
while(i < rows):
while(j < cols):
x, y, theta = new_to_old_label_dict[(i,j)]
shuffled_piece = puzzle_pieces[x*cols+y]
j += 1
i += 1
j = 0
return rows, cols, top_left_piece_new_label, top_left_piece_orientation, new_to_old_label_dict, shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np
def display_puzzle(rows, cols,puzzle_square_piece_dim, shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np, new_to_old_dict, plt_return = True):
puzzle_piece_length = puzzle_square_piece_dim
puzzle_piece_width = puzzle_square_piece_dim
new_image_length = rows*puzzle_piece_length
new_image_width = cols*puzzle_piece_width
if new_to_old_dict is None:
new_to_old_dict = {}
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
new_to_old_dict[(i,j)]=(i,j, 0)
solved_image = Image.new('RGB', (new_image_length,new_image_width), color="white")
for pos, piece in enumerate(shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np):
new_x, new_y = (pos//cols, (pos % cols))
if (new_x, new_y) in new_to_old_dict:
old_x, old_y, r = new_to_old_dict[(new_x, new_y)]
img_of_piece = Image.fromarray(piece, 'RGB').rotate(-90*r)
if not plt_return:
return solved_image
#font size + line thickness
fig = plt.figure(dpi = 100)
#add subplot
# Remove whitespace from around the image
#Set up ticks
loc = plticker.MultipleLocator(base=Interval)
# Add the grid
ax.grid(which='major', axis='both', linestyle='-',color='white')
#Add the image
return plt
def adjacency_dist(juxtaposed_pieces_torchtensor, width):
#juxtaposed_pieces_torchtensor = batchsize x channel x height x width
check = width % 2
assert (check==0), "Model dim is not even"
right_edges = juxtaposed_pieces_torchtensor[:, :, :, (width//2)-1]
left_edges = juxtaposed_pieces_torchtensor[:, :, :, (width//2)]
differences = left_edges-right_edges
distances = torch.norm(differences, p='fro', dim=(1,2))
return distances
class AdjacencyClassifier_NoML():
def __init__(self,model_dim=224):
def negative_distance_score(self, x):
#x dim is 3 x model_dim x mode_dim
distances = adjacency_dist(x, self.model_dim)
return -1*distances
def comparison(self,d,threshold):
ans = 1
if d<-1*threshold:
return ans
def predictions(self,x,threshold):
distances = self.negative_distance_score(x)
pred = torch.tensor(list(map(lambda y: self.comparison(y,threshold),distances)))
return pred
def label_to_pos(label, cols):
return label[0]*cols + label[1]
def pos_to_label(pos, cols):
return (pos//cols, (pos % cols))
def transform_puzzle_input(piece_1, piece_2, model_dim=224):
width = model_dim
height = model_dim
piece_1 = piece_1.resize((width, height))
piece_2 = piece_2.resize((width, height))
juxtaposed = Image.new('RGB', (2*width, height), color=0)
#juxtaposed.paste(piece_i ,(left_upper_row, left_upper_col,right_lower_row, right_lower_col))
juxtaposed.paste(piece_1,(0,0,width, height))
juxtaposed.paste(piece_2,(width,0,2*width, height))
juxtaposed = juxtaposed.crop((width//2, 0,width//2 + width,height))
return transforms.ToTensor()(juxtaposed)
def left_right_adj_score(P, Q, R, S, model_name, model):
#rotate Puzzle piece P by 90R degrees clockwise
#rotate Puzzle piece Q by 90S degrees clockwise
piece_1 = Image.fromarray(P, 'RGB').rotate(-90*R)
piece_2 = Image.fromarray(Q, 'RGB').rotate(-90*S)
with torch.no_grad():
juxtaposed_pieces_torchtensor = transform_puzzle_input(piece_1, piece_2)
new_input_torchtensor = juxtaposed_pieces_torchtensor.unsqueeze(0)
if model_name=="AdjacencyClassifier_NoML":
score = model.negative_distance_score(new_input_torchtensor).numpy()
return score[0]
elif model_name=="RandomScorer":
return random.random()
score = model(new_input_torchtensor).numpy()
return score[0,1]
def compute_and_memoize_score(information_dict, shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np, P, Q, R, S, model_name, model):
N = len(shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np)
if ((P,R) not in information_dict):
information_dict[(P,R)] = {Q: {}}
elif (Q not in information_dict[(P,R)]):
information_dict[(P,R)][Q] = {}
if S not in information_dict[(P,R)][Q]:
information_dict[(P,R)][Q][S] = left_right_adj_score(shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np[P],
R, S, model_name, model)
R_ = (R + 2) % 4
S_ = (S + 2) % 4
if ((Q,S_) not in information_dict):
information_dict[(Q,S_)] = {P: {}}
elif (P not in information_dict[(Q,S_)]):
information_dict[(Q,S_)][P] = {}
assert(R_ not in information_dict[(Q,S_)][P]),"Symmetric entry already computed unexpectedly"
information_dict[(Q,S_)][P][R_] = information_dict[(P,R)][Q][S]
return information_dict[(P,R)][Q][S]
class PuzzleBoard:
def __init__(self, rows, cols, information_dict, top_left_piece_new_label,
top_left_piece_orientation, shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np, model_name, model):
self.rows = rows
self.cols = cols
self.information_dict = information_dict
self.available_pieces = set(range(len(shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np)))
self.filled_slots = set()
self.open_slots = {(0,0)}
self.state = {}
for i in range(self.rows):
for j in range(self.cols):
self.state[(i,j)] = [(None, None),
(None, None),
(None, None),
(None, None)]
self.predicted_new_to_old_dict = {}
self.top_left_piece_new_label = top_left_piece_new_label
self.top_left_piece_orientation = top_left_piece_orientation
self.match = {0:2, 1:3, 2:0, 3:1}
self.shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np = shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np
def show_progress(self, puzzle_square_piece_dim):
return display_puzzle(self.rows, self.cols,puzzle_square_piece_dim,
self.shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np, self.predicted_new_to_old_dict, False)
def fit(self, current_piece_pos, current_rotation, current_open_slot):
current_piece_new_label = self.pos_to_new_label(current_piece_pos)
self.predicted_new_to_old_dict[current_piece_new_label] = (*current_open_slot, current_rotation)
for i, nbhr_slot in enumerate(self.neighbour_slots(current_open_slot)):
if nbhr_slot is not None:
self.state[nbhr_slot][self.match[i]] = (current_piece_pos, current_rotation)
if nbhr_slot not in self.filled_slots:
def fit_top_left_corner(self):
top_left_piece_pos = self.new_label_to_pos(self.top_left_piece_new_label)
self.fit(top_left_piece_pos, self.top_left_piece_orientation, (0,0))
def find_best_fit(self):
candidate_open_slot = None
candidate_pos = None
candidate_rotation = None
best_score = -math.inf
for open_slot in self.open_slots:
for current_piece_pos in self.available_pieces:
for current_rotation in [0,1,2,3]:
sum_of_scores = 0
no_of_nbhrs = 0
for i in range(4):
if self.state[open_slot][i][0] is not None:
nbhr = self.state[open_slot][i][0]
nbhr_rotation = self.state[open_slot][i][1]
NR_ = (nbhr_rotation-i) % 4
R_ = (current_rotation-i) % 4
current_score = compute_and_memoize_score(self.information_dict,
sum_of_scores += current_score
no_of_nbhrs += 1
if no_of_nbhrs > 0:
score = sum_of_scores/no_of_nbhrs
score = 0
if score > best_score:
candidate_pos = current_piece_pos
candidate_rotation = current_rotation
candidate_open_slot = open_slot
best_score = score
return (candidate_pos, candidate_rotation, candidate_open_slot)
##Helper methods
def neighbour_slots(self, slot):
p, q = slot
nbhr_slots = [None, None, None, None]
nbhr_slots_candidates = [(p,q-1), (p-1,q), (p,q+1), (p+1,q)]
for i in range(4):
a,b = nbhr_slots_candidates[i]
if a>=0 and a< self.rows and b>=0 and b< self.cols:
nbhr_slots[i] = nbhr_slots_candidates[i]
return nbhr_slots
def new_label_to_pos(self, new_label):
return new_label[0]*self.cols + new_label[1]
def pos_to_new_label(self, pos):
return (pos//self.cols, (pos % self.cols))
def solve_puzzle(rows, cols, top_left_piece_new_label, top_left_piece_orientation, new_to_old_label_dict,
shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np, puzzle_square_piece_dim, model_name, model) :
solver_steps = []
N = len(shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np)
information_dict = {}
board = PuzzleBoard(rows, cols, information_dict, top_left_piece_new_label,
shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np,model_name, model)
no_of_slots_left = rows*cols-1
for counter in range(no_of_slots_left):
candidate = board.find_best_fit()
correct_position = 0
correct_position_and_rotation = 0
for k in new_to_old_label_dict:
if new_to_old_label_dict[k][:2] == board.predicted_new_to_old_dict[k][:2]:
correct_position += 1
if new_to_old_label_dict[k][2] == board.predicted_new_to_old_dict[k][2]:
correct_position_and_rotation += 1
no_of_pieces = rows*cols
return no_of_pieces, correct_position, correct_position_and_rotation, solver_steps
def generate_and_solve_puzzle(image_for_puzzle):
model_name = 'AdjacencyClassifier_NoML'
model = AdjacencyClassifier_NoML()
#Generate puzzle
puzzle = get_puzzle_pieces(image_for_puzzle)
rows, cols, top_left_piece_new_label, top_left_piece_orientation, new_to_old_label_dict, shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np = puzzle
#Shuffled puzzle plot
shuffled_puzzle_plt = display_puzzle(rows, cols,puzzle_square_piece_dim,
shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np, None)
#Solver outputs
outputs = solve_puzzle(rows, cols, top_left_piece_new_label, top_left_piece_orientation, new_to_old_label_dict,
shuffled_puzzle_pieces_np, puzzle_square_piece_dim, model_name, model)
no_of_pieces, correct_position, correct_position_and_rotation, solver_steps = outputs
eval_results = str(correct_position_and_rotation)+"/" + str(no_of_pieces)
return shuffled_puzzle_plt, solver_steps, eval_results
def encode_to_gif(PIL_images):
with BytesIO() as output_bytes:
PIL_images[0].save(output_bytes, 'GIF', save_all=True, append_images=PIL_images[1:], optimize=False, duration=1000, loop=0)
bytes_data = output_bytes.getvalue()
base64_str = str(base64.b64encode(bytes_data), 'utf-8')
return "data:image/gif;base64," + base64_str
gif_output = gr.outputs.Image(label="Solving..")
gif_output.postprocess = encode_to_gif
gr.inputs.Image(shape=(400, 400), image_mode="RGB", label="Image to generate puzzle"),
[gr.outputs.Image(plot=True, label="The puzzle "),
gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Pieces in correct position and orientation")
], title="Unpuzzler", description="Give us your favourite image. Watch it get *puzzled* and *unpuzzled* by the Unpuzzler!").launch();