Official Character Sheet for Barbaric!/¡Bárbaro! by Stellagama Publishing. Sheet Created by Andreas J.
Basic character sheet for tracking your stats, with roll buttons for Skills, Attacks & Initiative.
If critical Success or Critical Fumbles are rolled with Skills or Attacks, the crit will be highlighted in the result.
Sheet can be translated to other languages using CrowdIn.
Has built in roll templates that can be used for creating customize roll results, such as sorcery.
base format
&{template:rolls} {{title=the}} {{subtitle= optional subtitle }} {{color= color of title background, default black}} {{anything= anything, can have as many of these sections}} {{desc= optional section that's full width of the template, good for descriptions}}
Ex 1
How the base roll for crafting looks like:
&{template:rolls} {{title=craft}} {{subtitle=@{character_name} }} {{color=black}} {{^{roll-i18n}[[ [[2d6]]+@{craft} ]]}} {{baseroll=$[[0]]}}
Ex 2
&{template:rolls} {{title=Poison Cloud}} {{color=green}} {{damage=[[3d6]]}} {{desc=poison cloud spreads in the surrounding}}
Ex 3
&{template:rolls} {{title=Read/Sense Magic}} {{subtitle= @{selected|character_name} }} {{color=purple}} {{^{roll-i18n}[[ [[2d6]]+@{selected|sorcery} ]]}} {{baseroll=$[[0]]}} {{desc=Succeeds on a Sorcery 8+ throw}}
Compile barbaric.scss
from the src
folder to get the barbaric.css, don't edit barbaric.css directly.