Kyra Zimmer nonchip
this is mostly to read/fork/archive. same name on gitlab because fuck microsoft.
- Germany
for forked starred repositories
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pcd1193182 / cursedfs
Forked from meithecatte/cursedfsTool to create polyglot disk images, which are interpretable as multiple filesystems at once
Buom01 / tremulous
Forked from GrangerHub/tremulousRemake tremulous, in HD ! See 'server' branch
leetronics / infnoise
Forked from waywardgeek/infnoiseThe world's easiest TRNG to get right
vaguilar / pokemon-red-cable-club-hack
Forked from EstebanFuentealba/Arduino-Spoofing-Gameboy-Pokemon-TradesThis is a proof of concept to demonstrate a buffer overflow in the Cable Club
leafo / luabcrypt
Forked from mikejsavage/lua-bcryptA bcrypt library for Lua