If for some reason you don't want to use Spine's *.atlas
here's how you might customize atlas loading.
var app = new PIXI.Application();
var loader = new PIXI.loaders.Loader();
// before creating an atlas make sure your textures are loaded
// otherwise it may cause visual issues
loader.add('color', 'images/color.png')
.add('background', 'images/background.png');
loader.once('complete', function() {
var atlas = new PIXI.spine.core.TextureAtlas();
var allTextures = {
'color': PIXI.Texture.from('color'),
'background': PIXI.Texture.from('background')
// second parameter is stripExtension=true because we dont need '.png' inside region names
atlas.addTextureHash(allTextures, true);
// load the texture we need
loader.add('spineCharacter', 'spine_character.json', {metadata: {spineAtlas: atlas}});
loader.once('complete', function(that, resources) {
var animation = new PIXI.spine.Spine(resources.spineCharacter.spineData);
// position it in the center of the canvas
animation.x = 400;
animation.y = 300;
if (animation.state.hasAnimationByName('default')) {
//run forever, little boy!
animation.state.setAnimation(0, 'default', true);
//dont run too fast
animation.state.timeScale = 1;