title | author | date | identifier | publisher | category | chapter | pages | |||||
Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book, Special Edition |
Michael Abrash |
1997-07-01 |
The Coriolis Group |
Web and Software Development: Game Development,Web and Software Development: Graphics and Multimedia Development |
27 |
499-521 |
In the last chapter, we learned about the markedly peculiar write mode 3 of the VGA, after having spent three chapters learning the ins and outs of the VGA's data path in write mode 0, touching on write mode 1 as well in Chapter 23. In all, the VGA supports four write modes—write modes 0, 1, 2, and 3—and read modes 0 and 1 as well. Which leaves two burning questions: What is write mode 2, and how the heck do you read VGA memory?
Write mode 2 is a bit unusual but not really hard to understand, particularly if you followed the description of set/reset in Chapter 25. Reading VGA memory, on the other hand, can be stranger than you could ever imagine.
Let's start with the easy stuff, write mode 2, and save the read modes for the next chapter.
Remember how set/reset works? Good, because that's pretty much how write mode 2 works. (You don't remember? Well, I'll provide a brief refresher, but I suggest that you go back through Chapters 23 through 25 and come up to speed on the VGA.)
Recall that the set/reset circuitry for each of the four planes affects the byte written by the CPU in one of three ways: By replacing the CPU byte with 0, by replacing it with 0FFH, or by leaving it unchanged. The nature of the transformation for each plane is controlled by two bits. The enable set/reset bit for a given plane selects whether the CPU byte is replaced or not, and the set/reset bit for that plane selects the value with which the CPU byte is replaced if the enable set/reset bit is
- The net effect of set/reset is to independently force any, none, or all planes to either of all ones or all zeros on CPU writes. As we discussed in Chapter 25, this is a convenient way to force a specific color to appear no matter what color the pixels being overwritten are. Set/reset also allows the CPU to control the contents of some planes while the set/reset circuitry controls the contents of other planes.
Write mode 2 is basically a set/reset-type mode with enable set/reset always on for all planes and the set/reset data coming directly from the byte written by the CPU. Put another way, the lower four bits written by the CPU are written across the four planes, thereby becoming a color value. Put yet another way, bit 0 of the CPU byte is expanded to a byte and sent to the plane 0 ALU (if bit 0 is 0, a 0 byte is the CPU-side input to the plane 0 ALU, while if bit 0 is 1, a 0FFH byte is the CPU-side input); likewise, bit 1 of the CPU byte is expanded to a byte for plane 1, bit 2 is expanded for plane 2, and bit 3 is expanded for plane 3.
It's possible that you understand write mode 2 thoroughly at this point; nonetheless, I suspect that some additional explanation of an admittedly non-obvious mode wouldn't hurt. Let's follow the CPU byte through the VGA in write mode 2, step by step.
Figure 27.1 shows the write mode 2 data path. The CPU byte comes into the VGA and is split into four separate bits, one for each plane. Bits 7-4 of the CPU byte vanish into the bit bucket, never to be heard from again. Speculation long held that those 4 unused bits indicated that IBM would someday come out with an 8-plane adapter that supported 256 colors. When IBM did finally come out with a 256-color mode (mode 13H of the VGA), it turned out not to be planar at all, and the upper nibble of the CPU byte remains unused in write mode 2 to this day.
The bit of the CPU byte sent to each plane is expanded to a 0 or 0FFH byte, depending on whether the bit is 0 or 1, respectively. The byte for each plane then becomes the CPU-side input to the respective plane's ALU. From this point on, the write mode 2 data path is identical to the write mode 0 data path. As discussed in earlier articles, the latch byte for each plane is the other ALU input, and the ALU either ANDs, ORs, or XORs the two bytes together or simply passes the CPU-side byte through. The byte generated by each plane's ALU then goes through the bit mask circuitry, which selects on a bit-by-bit basis between the ALU byte and the latch byte. Finally, the byte from the bit mask circuitry for each plane is written to that plane if the corresponding bit in the Map Mask register is set to 1.
It's worth noting two differences between write mode 2 and write mode 0, the standard write mode of the VGA. First, rotation of the CPU data byte does not take place in write mode 2. Second, the Set/Reset and Enable Set/Reset registers have no effect in write mode 2.
Now that we understand the mechanics of write mode 2, we can step back and get a feel for what it might be useful for. View bits 3-0 of the CPU byte as a single pixel in one of 16 colors. Next imagine that nibble turned sideways and written across the four planes, one bit to a plane. Finally, expand each of the bits to a byte, as shown in Figure 27.2, so that 8 pixels are drawn in the color selected by bits 3-0 of the CPU byte. Within the constraints of the VGA's data paths, that's exactly what write mode 2 does.
By "the constraints of the VGA's data paths," I mean the ALUs, the bit mask, and the map mask. As Figure 27.1 indicates, the ALUs can modify the color written by the CPU, the map mask can prevent the CPU from altering selected planes, and the bit mask can prevent the CPU from altering selected bits of the byte written to. (Actually, the bit mask simply substitutes latch bits for ALU bits, but since the latches are normally loaded from the destination display memory byte, the net effect of the bit mask is usually to preserve bits of the destination byte.) These are not really constraints at all, of course, but rather features of the VGA; I simply want to make it clear that the use of write mode 2 to set 8 pixels to a given color is a rather simple special case among the many possible ways in which write mode 2 can be used to feed data into the VGA's data path.
Write mode 2 is selected by setting bits 1 and 0 of the Graphics Mode register (Graphics Controller register 5) to 1 and 0, respectively. Since VGA registers are readable, the correct way to select write mode 2 on the VGA is to read the Graphics Mode register, mask off bits 1 and 0, OR in 00000010b (02H), and write the result back to the Graphics Mode register, thereby leaving the other bits in the register undisturbed.
Let's take a look at two examples of write mode 2 in action. Listing 27.1 presents a program that uses write mode 2 to copy a graphics image in chunky format to the VGA. In chunky format adjacent bits in a single byte make up each pixel: mode 4 of the CGA, EGA, and VGA is a 2-bit-per-pixel chunky mode, and mode 13H of the VGA is an 8-bit-per-pixel chunky mode. Chunky format is convenient, since all the information about each pixel is contained in a single byte; consequently chunky format is often used to store bitmaps in system memory.
Unfortunately, VGA memory is organized as a planar rather than chunky bitmap in modes 0DH through 12H, with the bits that make up each pixel spread across four planes. The conversion from chunky to planar format in write mode 0 is quite a nuisance, requiring a good deal of bit manipulation. In write mode 2, however, the conversion becomes a snap, as shown in Listing 27.1. Once the VGA is placed in write mode 2, the lower four bits (the lower nibble) of the CPU byte (a single 4-bit chunky pixel) become eight planar pixels, all the same color. As discussed in Chapter 25, the bit mask makes it possible to narrow the effect of the CPU write down to a single pixel.
Given the above, conversion of a chunky 4-bit-per-pixel bitmap to the VGA's planar format in write mode 2 is trivial. First, the Bit Mask register is set to allow only the VGA display memory bits corresponding to the leftmost chunky pixel of the two stored in the first chunky bitmap byte to be modified. Next, the destination byte in display memory is read in order to load the latches. Then a byte containing two chunky pixels is read from the chunky bitmap in system memory, and the byte is rotated four bits to the right to get the leftmost chunky pixel in position. This rotated byte is written to the destination byte; since write mode 2 is active, each bit of the chunky pixel goes to its respective plane, and since the Bit Mask register is set up to allow only one bit in each plane to be modified, a single pixel in the color of the chunky pixel is written to VGA memory.
This process is then repeated for the rightmost chunky pixel, if necessary, and repeated again for as many pixels as there are in the image.
LISTING 27.1 L27-1.ASM
; Program to illustrate one use of write mode 2 of the VGA and EGA by
; animating the image of an "A" drawn by copying it from a chunky
; bit-map in system memory to a planar bit-map in VGA or EGA memory.
; Assemble with MASM or TASM
; By Michael Abrash
Stack segment para stack ‘STACK'
db 512 dup(0)
Stack ends
SC_INDEX equ 3c4h ;Sequence Controller Index register
MAP_MASK equ 2 ;index of Map Mask register
GC_INDEX equ 03ceh ;Graphics Controller Index reg
GRAPHICS_MODE equ 5 ;index of Graphics Mode reg
BIT_MASKequ 8 ;index of Bit Mask reg
Data segment para common ‘DATA'
; Current location of "A" as it is animated across the screen.
CurrentX dw ?
CurrentY dw ?
RemainingLength dw ?
; Chunky bit-map image of a yellow "A" on a bright blue background
AImage label byte
dw 13, 13 ;width, height in pixels
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 009h, 099h, 099h, 099h, 099h, 099h, 000h
db 009h, 099h, 099h, 099h, 099h, 099h, 000h
db 009h, 099h, 099h, 0e9h, 099h, 099h, 000h
db 009h, 099h, 09eh, 0eeh, 099h, 099h, 000h
db 009h, 099h, 0eeh, 09eh, 0e9h, 099h, 000h
db 009h, 09eh, 0e9h, 099h, 0eeh, 099h, 000h
db 009h, 09eh, 0eeh, 0eeh, 0eeh, 099h, 000h
db 009h, 09eh, 0e9h, 099h, 0eeh, 099h, 000h
db 009h, 09eh, 0e9h, 099h, 0eeh, 099h, 000h
db 009h, 099h, 099h, 099h, 099h, 099h, 000h
db 009h, 099h, 099h, 099h, 099h, 099h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
Data ends
Code segment para public ‘CODE'
assume cs:Code, ds:Data
Start proc near
mov ax,Data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,10h
int 10h ;select video mode 10h (640x350)
; Prepare for animation.
mov [CurrentX],0
mov [CurrentY],200
mov [RemainingLength],600 ;move 600 times
; Animate, repeating RemainingLength times. It's unnecessary to erase
; the old image, since the one pixel of blank fringe around the image
; erases the part of the old image not overlapped by the new image.
mov bx,[CurrentX]
mov cx,[CurrentY]
mov si,offset AImage
call DrawFromChunkyBitmap ;draw the "A" image
inc [CurrentX] ;move one pixel to the right
mov cx,0 ;delay so we don't move the
DelayLoop: ; image too fast; adjust as
; needed
loop DelayLoop
dec [RemainingLength]
jnz AnimationLoop
; Wait for a key before returning to text mode and ending.
mov ah,01h
int 21h
mov ax,03h
int 10h
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
Start endp
; Draw an image stored in a chunky-bit map into planar VGA/EGA memory
; at the specified location.
; Input:
; BX = X screen location at which to draw the upper-left corner
; of the image
; CX = Y screen location at which to draw the upper-left corner
; of the image
; DS:SI = pointer to chunky image to draw, as follows:
; word at 0: width of image, in pixels
; word at 2: height of image, in pixels
; byte at 4: msb/lsb = first & second chunky pixels,
; repeating for the remainder of the scan line
; of the image, then for all scan lines. Images
; with odd widths have an unused null nibble
; padding each scan line out to a byte width
; AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, ES destroyed.
DrawFromChunkyBitmap proc near
; Select write mode 2.
mov dx,GC_INDEX
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,02h
out dx,al
; Enable writes to all 4 planes.
mov dx,SC_INDEX
mov al,MAP_MASK
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,0fh
out dx,al
; Point ES:DI to the display memory byte in which the first pixel
; of the image goes, with AH set up as the bit mask to access that
; pixel within the addressed byte.
mul cx ;offset of start of top scan line
mov di,ax
mov cl,bl
and cl,111b
mov ah,80h ;set AH to the bit mask for the
shr ah,cl ; initial pixel
shr bx,1
shr bx,1
shr bx,1 ;X in bytes
add di,bx ;offset of upper-left byte of image
mov es,bx ;ES:DI points to the byte at which the
; upper left of the image goes
; Get the width and height of the image.
mov cx,[si] ;get the width
inc si
inc si
mov bx,[si] ;get the height
inc si
inc si
mov dx,GC_INDEX
mov al,BIT_MASK
out dx,al ;leave the GC Index register pointing
inc dx ; to the Bit Mask register
push ax ;preserve the left column's bit mask
push cx ;preserve the width
push di ;preserve the destination offset
mov al,ah
out dx,al ;set the bit mask to draw this pixel
mov al,es:[di] ;load the latches
mov al,[si] ;get the next two chunky pixels
shr al,1
shr al,1
shr al,1
shr al,1 ;move the first pixel into the lsb
stosb ;draw the first pixel
ror ah,1 ;move mask to next pixel position
jc CheckMorePixels ;is next pixel in the adjacent byte?
dec di ;no
dec cx ;see if there are any more pixels
jz AdvanceToNextScanLine ; across in image
mov al,ah
out dx,al ;set the bit mask to draw this pixel
mov al,es:[di] ;load the latches
lodsb ;get the same two chunky pixels again
; and advance pointer to the next
; two pixels
stosb ;draw the second of the two pixels
ror ah,1 ;move mask to next pixel position
jc CheckMorePixels2 ;is next pixel in the adjacent byte?
dec di ;no
loop ColumnLoop ;see if there are any more pixels
; across in the image
jmp short CheckMoreScanLines
inc si ;advance to the start of the next
; scan line in the image
pop di ;get back the destination offset
pop cx ;get back the width
pop ax ;get back the left column's bit mask
;point to the start of the next scan
; line of the image
dec bx ;see if there are any more scan lines
jnz RowLoop ; in the image
DrawFromChunkyBitmap endp
Code ends
end Start
"That's an interesting application of write mode 2," you may well say, "but is it really useful?" While the ability to convert chunky bitmaps into VGA bitmaps does have its uses, Listing 27.1 is primarily intended to illustrate the mechanics of write mode 2.
For performance, it's best to store 16-color bitmaps in pre-separated four-plane format in system memory, and copy one plane at a time to the screen. Ideally, such bitmaps should be copied one scan line at a time, with all four planes completed for one scan line before moving on to the next. I say this because when entire images are copied one plane at a time, nasty transient color effects can occur as one plane becomes visibly changed before other planes have been modified.
A more serviceable use of write mode 2 is shown in the program presented
in Listing 27.2. The program draws multicolored horizontal, vertical,
and diagonal lines, basing the color patterns on passed color tables.
Write mode 2 is ideal because in this application color can vary from
one pixel to the next, and in write mode 2 all that's required to set
pixel color is a change of the lower nibble of the byte written by the
CPU. Set/reset could be used to achieve the same result, but an
index/data pair of OUT
s would be required to set the Set/Reset
register to each new color. Similarly, the Map Mask register could be
used in write mode 0 to set pixel color, but in this case not only would
an index/data pair of OUT
s be required but there would also be no
guarantee that data already in display memory wouldn't interfere with
the color of the pixel being drawn, since the Map Mask register allows
only selected planes to be drawn to.
Listing 27.2 is hardly a comprehensive line drawing program. It draws only a few special line cases, and although it is reasonably fast, it is far from the fastest possible code to handle those cases, because it goes through a dot-plot routine and because it draws horizontal lines a pixel rather than a byte at a time. Write mode 2 would, however, serve just as well in a full-blown line drawing routine. For any type of patterned line drawing on the VGA, the basic approach remains the same: Use the bit mask to select the pixel (or pixels) to be altered and use the CPU byte in write mode 2 to select the color in which to draw.
LISTING 27.2 L27-2.ASM
; Program to illustrate one use of write mode 2 of the VGA and EGA by
; drawing lines in color patterns.
; Assemble with MASM or TASM
; By Michael Abrash
Stack segment para stack ‘STACK'
db 512 dup(0)
Stack ends
GRAPHICS_SEGMENT equ 0a000h ;mode 10 bit-map segment
SC_INDEX equ 3c4h ;Sequence Controller Index register
MAP_MASK equ 2 ;index of Map Mask register
GC_INDEX equ 03ceh ;Graphics Controller Index reg
GRAPHICS_MODE equ 5 ;index of Graphics Mode reg
BIT_MASK equ 8 ;index of Bit Mask reg
Data segment para common ‘DATA'
Pattern0 db 16
db 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
db 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Pattern1 db 6
db 2, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10
Pattern2 db 8
db 15, 15, 15, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0
Pattern3 db 9
db 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4
Data ends
Code segment para public ‘CODE'
assume cs:Code, ds:Data
Start proc near
mov ax,Data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,10h
int 10h ;select video mode 10h (640x350)
; Draw 8 radial lines in upper-left quadrant in pattern 0.
mov bx,0
mov cx,0
mov si,offset Pattern0
call QuadrantUp
; Draw 8 radial lines in upper-right quadrant in pattern 1.
mov bx,320
mov cx,0
mov si,offset Pattern1
call QuadrantUp
; Draw 8 radial lines in lower-left quadrant in pattern 2.
mov bx,0
mov cx,175
mov si,offset Pattern2
call QuadrantUp
; Draw 8 radial lines in lower-right quadrant in pattern 3.
mov bx,320
mov cx,175
mov si,offset Pattern3
call QuadrantUp
; Wait for a key before returning to text mode and ending.
mov ah,01h
int 21h
mov ax,03h
int 10h
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
; Draws 8 radial lines with specified pattern in specified mode 10h
; quadrant.
; Input:
; BX = X coordinate of upper left corner of quadrant
; CX = Y coordinate of upper left corner of quadrant
; SI = pointer to pattern, in following form:
; Byte 0: Length of pattern
; Byte 1: Start of pattern, one color per byte
; AX, BX, CX, DX destroyed
QuadrantUp proc near
add bx,160
add cx,87 ;point to the center of the quadrant
mov ax,0
mov dx,160
call LineUp ;draw horizontal line to right edge
mov ax,1
mov dx,88
call LineUp ;draw diagonal line to upper right
mov ax,2
mov dx,88
call LineUp ;draw vertical line to top edge
mov ax,3
mov dx,88
call LineUp ;draw diagonal line to upper left
mov ax,4
mov dx,161
call LineUp ;draw horizontal line to left edge
mov ax,5
mov dx,88
call LineUp ;draw diagonal line to lower left
mov ax,6
mov dx,88
call LineUp ;draw vertical line to bottom edge
mov ax,7
mov dx,88
call LineUp ;draw diagonal line to bottom right
QuadrantUp endp
; Draws a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line (one of the eight
; possible radial lines) of the specified length from the specified
; starting point.
; Input:
; AX = line direction, as follows:
; 3 2 1
; 4 * 0
; 5 6 7
; BX = X coordinate of starting point
; CX = Y coordinate of starting point
; DX = length of line (number of pixels drawn)
; All registers preserved.
; Table of vectors to routines for each of the 8 possible lines.
LineUpVectors label word
dw LineUp0, LineUp1, LineUp2, LineUp3
dw LineUp4, LineUp5, LineUp6, LineUp7
; Macro to draw horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line.
; Input:
; XParm = 1 to draw right, -1 to draw left, 0 to not move horz.
; YParm = 1 to draw up, -1 to draw down, 0 to not move vert.
; BX = X start location
; CX = Y start location
; DX = number of pixels to draw
; DS:SI = line pattern
MLineUp macro XParm, YParm
local LineUpLoop, CheckMoreLine
mov di,si ;set aside start offset of pattern
lodsb ;get length of pattern
mov ah,al
lodsb ;get color of this pixel...
call DotUpInColor ;...and draw it
if XParm EQ 1
inc bx
if XParm EQ -1
dec bx
if YParm EQ 1
inc cx
if YParm EQ -1
dec cx
dec ah ;at end of pattern?
jnz CheckMoreLine
mov si,di ;get back start of pattern
mov ah,al ;reset pattern count
dec dx
jnz LineUpLoop
jmp LineUpEnd
LineUp proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push es
mov di,ax
mov es,ax
push dx ;save line length
; Enable writes to all planes.
mov dx,SC_INDEX
mov al,MAP_MASK
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,0fh
out dx,al
; Select write mode 2.
mov dx,GC_INDEX
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,02h
out dx,al
; Vector to proper routine.
pop dx ;get back line length
shl di,1
jmp cs:[LineUpVectors+di]
; Horizontal line to right.
MLineUp 1, 0
; Diagonal line to upper right.
MLineUp 1, -1
; Vertical line to top.
MLineUp 0, -1
; Diagonal line to upper left.
MLineUp -1, -1
; Horizontal line to left.
MLineUp -1, 0
; Diagonal line to bottom left.
MLineUp -1, 1
; Vertical line to bottom.
MLineUp 0, 1
; Diagonal line to bottom right.
MLineUp 1, 1
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
LineUp endp
; Draws a dot in the specified color at the specified location.
; Assumes that the VGA is in write mode 2 with writes to all planes
; enabled and that ES points to display memory.
; Input:
; AL = dot color
; BX = X coordinate of dot
; CX = Y coordinate of dot
; ES = display memory segment
; All registers preserved.
DotUpInColor proc near
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
; Point ES:DI to the display memory byte in which the pixel goes, with
; the bit mask set up to access that pixel within the addressed byte.
push ax ;preserve dot color
mul cx ;offset of start of top scan line
mov di,ax
mov cl,bl
and cl,111b
mov dx,GC_INDEX
mov al,BIT_MASK
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,80h
shr al,cl
out dx,al ;set the bit mask for the pixel
shr bx,1
shr bx,1
shr bx,1 ;X in bytes
add di,bx ;offset of byte pixel is in
mov al,es:[di] ;load latches
pop ax ;get back dot color
stosb ;write dot in desired color
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
DotUpInColor endp
Start endp
Code ends
end Start
As indicated earlier, write mode 2 and set/reset are functionally interchangeable. Write mode 2 lends itself to more efficient implementations when the drawing color changes frequently, as in Listing 27.2.
Set/reset tends to be superior when many pixels in succession are drawn
in the same color, since with set/reset enabled for all planes the
Set/Reset register provides the color data and as a result the CPU is
free to draw whatever byte value it wishes. For example, the CPU can
execute an OR
instruction to display memory when set/reset is
enabled for all planes, thus both loading the latches and writing the
color value with a single instruction, secure in the knowledge that the
value it writes is ignored in favor of the set/reset color.
Set/reset is also the mode of choice whenever it is necessary to force the value written to some planes to a fixed value while allowing the CPU byte to modify other planes. This is the mode of operation when set/reset is enabled for some but not all planes.
I'm going to take a minute—and I do mean a minute—to discuss the programming model for mode 13H, the VGA's 320x200 256-color mode. Frankly, there's just not much to it, especially compared to the convoluted 16-color model that we've explored over the last five chapters. Mode 13H offers the simplest programming model in the history of PC graphics: A linear bitmap starting at A000:0000, consisting of 64,000 bytes, each controlling one pixel. The byte at offset 0 controls the upper left pixel on the screen, the byte at offset 319 controls the upper right pixel on the screen, the byte at offset 320 controls the second pixel down at the left of the screen, and the byte at offset 63,999 controls the lower right pixel on the screen. That's all there is to it; it's so simple that I'm not going to spend any time on a demo program, especially given that some of the listings later in this book, such as the antialiasing code in Chapter F on the companion CD-ROM, use mode 13H.
A while back, I got an interesting letter from Phil Coleman, of La Jolla, who wrote:
"Suppose I have the EGA in mode 10H (640x350 16-color graphics). I would like to preserve some or all of the image while I temporarily switch to text mode 3 to give my user a ‘Help' screen. Naturally memory is scarce so I'd rather not make a copy of the video buffer at A000H to ‘remember' the image while I digress to the Help text. The EGA BIOS says that the screen memory will not be cleared on a mode set if bit 7 of AL is set. Yet if I try that, it is clear that writing text into the B800H buffer trashes much more than the 4K bytes of a text page; when I switch back to mode 10H, "ghosts" appear in the form of bands of colored dots. (When in text mode, I do make a copy of the 4K buffer at B800H before showing the help; and I restore the 4K before switching back to mode 10H.) Is there a way to preserve the graphics image while I switch to text mode?''
"A corollary to this question is: Where does the 64/128/256K of EGA memory ‘hide' when the EGA is in text mode? Some I guess is used to store character sets, but what happens to the rest? Or rather, how can I protect it?"
Those are good questions. Alas, answering them in full would require extensive explanation that would have little general application, so I'm not going to do that. However, the issue of how to go to text mode and back without losing the graphics image certainly rates a short discussion, complete with some working code. That's especially true given that both the discussion and the code apply just as well to the VGA as to the EGA (with a few differences in mode 12H, the VGA's highmode, as noted below).
Phil is indeed correct in his observation that setting bit 7 of AL instructs the BIOS not to clear display memory on mode sets, and he is also correct in surmising that a font is loaded when going to text mode. The normal mode 10H bitmap occupies the first 28,000 bytes of each of the VGA's four planes. (The mode 12H bitmap takes up the first 38,400 bytes of each plane.) The normal mode 3 character/attribute memory map resides in the first 4000 bytes of planes 0 and 1 (the blue and green planes in mode 10H). The standard font in mode 3 is stored in the first 8K of plane 2 (the red plane in mode 10H). Neither mode 3 nor any other text mode makes use of plane 3 (the intensity plane in mode 10H); if necessary, plane 3 could be used as scratch memory in text mode.
Consequently, you can get away with saving a total of just under 16K bytes—the first 4000 bytes of planes 0 and 1 and the first 8K bytes of plane 2—when going from mode 10H or mode 12H to mode 3, to be restored on returning to graphics mode.
That's hardly all there is to the matter of going from text to graphics and back without bitmap corruption, though. One interesting point is that the mode 10H bitmap can be relocated to A000:8000 simply by doing a mode set to mode 10H and setting the start address (programmed at CRT Controller registers 0CH and 0DH) to 8000H. You can then access display memory starting at A800:8000 instead of the normal A000:0000, with the resultant display exactly like that of normal mode 10H. There are BIOS issues, since the BIOS doesn't automatically access display memory at the new start address, but if your program does all its drawing directly without the help of the BIOS, that's no problem.
The mode 12H bitmap can't start at A000:8000, because it's so long that it would run off the end of display memory. However, the mode 12H bitmap can be relocated to, say, A000:6000, where it would fit without conflicting with the default font or the normal text mode memory map, although it would overlap two of the upper pages available for use (but rarely used) by text-mode programs.
At any rate, once the graphics mode bitmap is relocated, flipping to text mode and back becomes painless. The memory used by mode 3 doesn't overlap the relocated mode 10H bitmap at all (unless additional portions of font memory are loaded), so all you need do is set bit 7 of AL on mode sets in order to flip back and forth between the two modes.
Another interesting point about flipping from graphics to text and back is that the standard mode 3 character/attribute map doesn't actually take up every byte of the first 4000 bytes of planes 0 and 1. The standard mode 3 character/attribute map actually only takes up every even byte of the first 4000 in each plane; the odd bytes are left untouched. This means that only about 12K bytes actually have to be saved when going to text mode. The code in Listing 27.3 flips from graphics mode to text mode and back, saving only those 12K bytes that actually have to be saved. This code saves and restores the first 8K of plane 2 (the font area) while in graphics mode, but performs the save and restore of the 4000 bytes used for the character/attribute map while in text mode, because the characters and attributes, which are actually stored in the even bytes of planes 0 and 1, respectively, appear to be contiguous bytes in memory in text mode and so are easily saved as a single block.
Explaining why only every other byte of planes 0 and 1 is used in text mode and why characters and attributes appear to be contiguous bytes when they are actually in different planes is a large part of the explanation I'm not going to go into now. One bit of fallout from this, however, is that if you flip to text mode and preserve the graphics bitmap using the mechanism illustrated in Listing 27.3, you shouldn't write to any text page other than page 0 (that is, don't write to any offset in display memory above 3999 in text mode) or alter the Page Select bit in the Miscellaneous Output register (3C2H) while in text mode. In order to allow completely unfettered access to text pages, it would be necessary to save every byte in the first 32K of each of planes 0 and 1. (On the other hand, this would allow up to 16 text screens to be stored simultaneously, with any one displayable instantly.) Moreover, if any fonts other than the default font are loaded, the portions of plane 2 that those particular fonts are loaded into would have to be saved, up to a maximum of all 64K of plane 2. In the worst case, a full 128K would have to be saved in order to preserve all the memory potentially used by text mode.
As I said, Phil Coleman's question is an interesting one, and I've only touched on the intriguing possibilities arising from the various configurations of display memory in VGA graphics and text modes. Right now, though, we've still got the basics of the remarkably complex (but rewarding!) VGA to cover.
LISTING 27.3 L27-3.ASM
; Program to illustrate flipping from bit-mapped graphics mode to
; text mode and back without losing any of the graphics bit-map.
; Assemble with MASM or TASM
; By Michael Abrash
Stack segment para stack ‘STACK'
db 512 dup(0)
Stack ends
GRAPHICS_SEGMENT equ 0a000h ;mode 10 bit-map segment
TEXT_SEGMENT equ 0b800h ;mode 3 bit-map segment
SC_INDEX equ 3c4h ;Sequence Controller Index register
MAP_MASK equ 2 ;index of Map Mask register
GC_INDEX equ 3ceh ;Graphics Controller Index register
READ_MAP equ 4 ;index of Read Map register
Data segment para common ‘DATA'
GStrikeAnyKeyMsg0 label byte
db 0dh, 0ah, ‘Graphics mode', 0dh, 0ah
db ‘Strike any key to continue...', 0dh, 0ah, ‘$'
GStrikeAnyKeyMsg1 label byte
db 0dh, 0ah, ‘Graphics mode again', 0dh, 0ah
db ‘Strike any key to continue...', 0dh, 0ah, ‘$'
TStrikeAnyKeyMsg label byte
db 0dh, 0ah, ‘Text mode', 0dh, 0ah
db ‘Strike any key to continue...', 0dh, 0ah, ‘$'
Plane2Save db 2000h dup (?) ;save area for plane 2 data
; where font gets loaded
CharAttSave db 4000 dup (?) ;save area for memory wiped
; out by character/attribute
; data in text mode
Data ends
Code segment para public ‘CODE'
assume cs:Code, ds:Data
Start proc near
mov ax,10h
int 10h ;select video mode 10h (640x350)
; Fill the graphics bit-map with a colored pattern.
mov es,ax
mov ah,3 ;initial fill pattern
mov cx,4 ;four planes to fill
mov dx,SC_INDEX
mov al,MAP_MASK
out dx,al ;leave the SC Index pointing to the
inc dx ; Map Mask register
mov al,10h
shr al,cl ;generate map mask for this plane
out dx,al ;set map mask for this plane
sub di,di ;start at offset 0
mov al,ah ;get the fill pattern
push cx ;preserve plane count
mov cx,8000h ;fill 32K words
rep stosw ;do fill for this plane
pop cx ;get back plane count
shl ah,1
shl ah,1
loop FillBitMap
; Put up "strike any key" message.
mov ax,Data
mov ds,ax
mov dx,offset GStrikeAnyKeyMsg0
mov ah,9
int 21h
; Wait for a key.
mov ah,01h
int 21h
; Save the 8K of plane 2 that will be used by the font.
mov dx,GC_INDEX
mov al,READ_MAP
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,2
out dx,al ;set up to read from plane 2
mov ax,Data
mov es,ax
mov ds,ax
sub si,si
mov di,offset Plane2Save
mov cx,2000h/2 ;save 8K (length of default font)
rep movsw
; Go to text mode without clearing display memory.
mov ax,083h
int 10h
; Save the text mode bit-map.
mov ax,Data
mov es,ax
mov ds,ax
sub si,si
mov di,offset CharAttSave
mov cx,4000/2 ;length of one text screen in words
rep movsw
; Fill the text mode screen with dots and put up "strike any key"
; message.
mov es,ax
sub di,di
mov al,‘.' ;fill character
mov ah,7 ;fill attribute
mov cx,4000/2 ;length of one text screen in words
rep stosw
mov ax,Data
mov ds,ax
mov dx,offset TStrikeAnyKeyMsg
mov ah,9
int 21h
; Wait for a key.
mov ah,01h
int 21h
; Restore the text mode screen to the state it was in on entering
; text mode.
mov ax,Data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov si,offset CharAttSave
sub di,di
mov cx,4000/2 ;length of one text screen in words
rep movsw
; Return to mode 10h without clearing display memory.
mov ax,90h
int 10h
; Restore the portion of plane 2 that was wiped out by the font.
mov dx,SC_INDEX
mov al,MAP_MASK
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,4
out dx,al ;set up to write to plane 2
mov ax,Data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov si,offset Plane2Save
sub di,di
mov cx,2000h/2 ;restore 8K (length of default font)
rep movsw
; Put up "strike any key" message.
mov ax,Data
mov ds,ax
mov dx,offset GStrikeAnyKeyMsg1
mov ah,9
int 21h
; Wait for a key before returning to text mode and ending.
mov ah,01h
int 21h
mov ax,03h
int 10h
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
Start endp
Code ends
end Start