You can run database on your local machine or using docker. The easiest option is to use docker-compose_postgres.yml
we provide.
docker-compose -f tests/docker-compose_postgres.yml up
Make sure that database is up and running, and you can login as postgres
docker ps -a
docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash
root@<container_id>:/# psql -U postgres
If you see error message psql: FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist
please make sure that postgres
user is created.
MacOS users may need to install postgreSQL locally and create postgres
user, otherwise they continue seeing the error. Refer to this StackOverflow issue.
Your database should be up and running.
You can run database on your local machine or using docker. The easiest option is to use ddocker-compose_mysql.yml
we provide.
docker-compose -f tests/docker-compose_mysql.yml up
Make sure that database is up and running, and you can login as test/test
docker ps -a
docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash
root@<container_id>:/# mysql -utest -ptest
pip3 install -r tests/requirements.txt
git clone
cd mysql-connector-python
sudo python3 clean build_py install_lib
python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I cmd/acra-translator/grpc_api --python_out=tests/ --grpc_python_out=tests/ cmd/acra-translator/grpc_api/api.proto
If you want to customise database settings, pass them as environment variables:
TEST_TLS=off TEST_SSL_MODE=allow TEST_DB_HOST= TEST_DB_USER=postgres TEST_DB_USER_PASSWORD=postgres TEST_DB_NAME=postgres TEST_DB_PORT=5432 python3 tests/
Connecting to MySQL
or just use default database settings (connecting to PostgreSQL by default):
python3 tests/
To run test with HashiCorp Vault ACRA_MASTER_KEY loader
VAULT_API_TOKEN=root_token TEST_WITH_VAULT=on VAULT_KV_ENGINE_VERSION={v1/v2} python3 tests/
Set path to empty or not existing folder into TEST_RANDOM_DATA_FOLDER
env variable where script will generate test data once
and re-use everytime if folder exists.
You can call generate data manually:
export TEST_RANDOM_DATA_FOLDER=/tmp/test_data
python3 tests/
Before start testCases, test script build all acra binaries from cmd/
folder into folder set in TEST_BINARY_OUTPUT_FOLDER
env variable (default: /tmp
). When all tests finished, script delete all compiled binaries.
To turn off cleaning you can set TEST_CLEAN_BINARIES=false
env variable. After that, next test run will re-use existing
binaries from folder or compile if they not exists. Script forks go build
command, so golang's compiler tracks changes
in source code by itself and skip re-compilation if sources wasn't changed between compilations and test runs. You should
not clean folder or recompile manually after changing acra sources.
export TEST_BINARY_OUTPUT_FOLDER=/tmp/acra-binaries
# after that this script will not delete compiled binaries
# and will compile them to "/tmp/acra-binaries" folder
python3 tests/