Neural Terrain Generation (NTG) is a collection of generative neural networks that output heightmaps for 3D terrain. This repository contains code for the entire NTG training pipeline.
After cloning, create a directory at the root of the repository called data
In order to compute FID stats, you'll need pretrained InceptionV3 weights. You can get these here
in the form of inception_v3_fid.pickle
. Once you've downloaded this file, place it in the data
directory at the root of the repository.
If you would like to track FID as a model trains, you'll need to pre-compute the FID stats for the target dataset. This can be done by running the following command:
python fid --precompute --img_dir <PATH_TO_DATASET> --out_dir <PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> --img_size <WIDTH> <HEIGHT>
Here's a specific example of the command:
python fid --precompute --img_dir ../heightmaps/world-heightmaps-01 --out_dir data/dataset_info --img_size 256 256
Outside of training, the FID of two datasets can be computed by specifying the path1 and path2 arguments instead of the img_dir argument:
python fid --path1 <PATH_TO_DATASET1> --path2 <PATH_TO_DATASET2> --out_dir <PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> --img_size <WIDTH> <HEIGHT>
Full list of parameters:
: Path to image directory or .npz file containing pre-computed statistics. Default:None
: Path to image directory or .npz file containing pre-computed statistics. Default:None
: Batch size per device for computing the Inception activations. Default:50
: Resize images to this size. The format is (height, width). Default:None
: If True, pre-compute statistics for given image directory. Default:False
: Path to image directory for pre-computing statistics. Default:None
: Path where pre-computed statistics are stored. Default:None
: Name of outputted statistics file. Default:stats
: If True, use mmap to compute statistics. Helpful for large datasets. Default:True
: Name for mmap file. Only used if mmap is True. Default:data/temp/mmap_file
- Terra: a purely convolutional diffusion model.
Starting the container:
docker-compose up -d
Opening a shell in the container:
docker-compose exec ntg bash
Stopping the container:
docker-compose down