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Neural Terrain Generation

Neural Terrain Generation (NTG) is a collection of generative neural networks that output heightmaps for 3D terrain. This repository contains code for the entire NTG training pipeline.


After cloning, create a directory at the root of the repository called data.

Computing FID Stats

In order to compute FID stats, you'll need pretrained InceptionV3 weights. You can get these here in the form of inception_v3_fid.pickle. Once you've downloaded this file, place it in the data directory at the root of the repository.

If you would like to track FID as a model trains, you'll need to pre-compute the FID stats for the target dataset. This can be done by running the following command:

python fid --precompute --img_dir <PATH_TO_DATASET> --out_dir <PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> --img_size <WIDTH> <HEIGHT>

Here's a specific example of the command:

python fid --precompute --img_dir ../heightmaps/world-heightmaps-01 --out_dir data/dataset_info --img_size 256 256

Outside of training, the FID of two datasets can be computed by specifying the path1 and path2 arguments instead of the img_dir argument:

python fid --path1 <PATH_TO_DATASET1> --path2 <PATH_TO_DATASET2> --out_dir <PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> --img_size <WIDTH> <HEIGHT>

Full list of parameters:

  • --path1: Path to image directory or .npz file containing pre-computed statistics. Default: None
  • --path2: Path to image directory or .npz file containing pre-computed statistics. Default: None
  • --batch_size: Batch size per device for computing the Inception activations. Default: 50
  • --img_size: Resize images to this size. The format is (height, width). Default: None, None
  • --precompute: If True, pre-compute statistics for given image directory. Default: False
  • --img_dir: Path to image directory for pre-computing statistics. Default: None
  • --out_dir: Path where pre-computed statistics are stored. Default: None
  • --out_name: Name of outputted statistics file. Default: stats
  • --mmap: If True, use mmap to compute statistics. Helpful for large datasets. Default: True
  • --mmap_filename: Name for mmap file. Only used if mmap is True. Default: data/temp/mmap_file


  • Terra: a purely convolutional diffusion model.

Container Environment

Starting the container:

docker-compose up -d

Opening a shell in the container:

docker-compose exec ntg bash

Stopping the container:

docker-compose down