A Swift Package to detect Hand Gestures.
Gestures can be composed and exported from the VisionOS Gesture Composer App
The GestureComposer App exports *.gesturecomposer
packages, we can pass these to
the GestureDetector
which will detect
if the user has performed a particular gesture.
- You don't need to manually program gestures
- It's faster to create and test gestures
- Gestures can be easily shared between Apps
- Hand gestures can have multiple steps
- Multiple gestures can be detected at a time, for instance, one's left hand could perform a gesture different to one's right hand
- GestureComposer packages contain *.USDZ Animated 3D files of the composed gesture to optionally show users what to do with their hands
- The file-format is straight forward, ready for expansion ✨
GestureKit is best installed via Xcode's Package Manager with the following URL
Note If you install via copying the project directly, you may get a UUIDV7 error, you will also need to include the following package
This example code will create a RealityKit View and run a task to detect the gesture packages set in the configuration.
Note: This must be ran in an Immersive
Space on VisionOS.
import GestureKit
import RealityKit
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView {
let configuration = GestureDetectorConfiguration(packages: [
URL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/to/some/package.gesturecomposer"),
URL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/to/some/other.gesturecomposer")
let detector: GestureDetector
init() {
detector = GestureDetector(configuration: configuration)
extension ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
private var realityView: some View {
RealityView { _ in
.task {
for await qesture in detector.detectedGestures {
print("Gesture Detected: \(qesture.description)")
Part of development required to show virtual hands for debugging, I found this useful so it is bundled as part of GestureKit.
Note: This must be ran in an Immersive
Space on VisionOS.
import GestureKit
import RealityKit
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView {
let virtualHands: VirtualHands
init() {
let handsConfiguration = VirtualHandsConfiguration(left: HandConfiguration(color: .blue, usdz: HandConfiguration.defaultModel(chirality: .left)),
right: HandConfiguration(color: .red, usdz: HandConfiguration.defaultModel(chirality: .right)),
handRenderOptions: [.model, .joints, .bones])
virtualHands = VirtualHands(configuration: handsConfiguration)
extension ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
private var realityView: some View {
RealityView { content in
let root = Entity()
do {
let (left, right) = try virtualHands.createVirtualHands()
} catch {
print("Failed to add virtual hands to simulation: \(error.localizedDescription)")
.task {
await virtualHands.startSession()
.task {
await virtualHands.startHandTracking()
.task {
await virtualHands.handleSessionEvents()
Gesture | Asset |
On your Right hand, Move your finger tips together, then move your ring and middle finger to your plam | Download the Spiderman example |
On your Right hand, Move your finger tips together, then put your middle finger tip and ring finger tip together, then separate them | Download the Vulcan Salute example |
On your Right hand, Touch your ring finger tip and thumb tip on together | Download the ring-thumb-tip-touch example |
You will also need to add the following keys to your Info.plist
<string>Insert your description here</string>
<string>Insert your description here</string>
- Download Gesture Composer from the VisionOS AppStore
- Browse & Download Gestures from the Gesture Composer Website
- Follow me on Twitter/X
Hello, I'm Chris, I created Gesture Composer, it has the following components:
- Website
- APIs
- VisionOS App
- Swift Package
It's been fun to make, I hope it's useful to you.