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Copyright (c) 2014-2020 The Dash Core developers

Copyright (c) 2020-2021 The Xazab Core developers

Xazab Core staging tree 0.17

master: Build Status develop: Build Status

Get it from the Snap Store

What is Xazab?

Xazabs gives its users a faster means of transferring crypto with the use of x11 algorithm based on dash technology. Cryptocurrencies have played a vital role in empowering power with various opportunities particularly technologies which have been driving the world economy. Businesses are now implementing various crypto technologies to boost their diverse opportunities where opportunities are profitable in both the rural and urban communities. Xazab comes into play here to take its own opportunity in the digital space where crypto is driving the present economy directly and indirectly. Xazab uses the technology of Duff that is Dash because it follows our own ideas of what a cryptocurrency features should look like. We are separately going to build off our own from this technology just as we have started. Xazab transactions are faster, easier and transactions can be privately sent if you so want. The unique features have been built on this platform just like what dash did from litecoin. Our foundations and services range in different sections which range from providing the world with latest technologies to advertising your platforms in our XAZAB world class advertising platforms. Our wallets range from all platforms including androids and IOS devices which you can download from the Android play stores etc. Xazab utilizes a decentralized system to provide a peer-to-peer connection between people and business owners. For our services, we will only want to be paid in xazab.

Two platforms we will launch are masternode monitor and our major dynamic website were you can sell your products with the use of xazab

Xazab Road

  • Staying with Core types from Dash


Users will have the ability to register a personalized username of their choice. It will also be possible to set a display name, bio info and profile picture.

Connect with contacts

Users will be able to request contacts by username and create a list of users they want to transact with.

Pay and get paid by username

Users can exchange Dash with friends, family and merchants by username or cryptographic address.


Users will be able to sponsor registrations for new users using the invitations process.

Core height consensus

Establishing consensus between L1 and L2 chains based on height of L1.

Validator set rotation

Implementation and rotation of quorums used for consensus on L2 chain.

State trees

Storage of data state in Merkle trees for use with light clients.

BLS platform block signing

Inclusion of BLS signatures in L2 blocks.

Identity funding

Ability to fund identities without ability to double spend.


  • Name: Xazab
  • Ticker: XAZAB
  • Algorithm: X11
  • Supply: 21 million
  • P2P: 30303
  • RPC: 31313
  • Block Time: 60 seconds
  • Reward: 4 XAZAB [ 1.948 Miners + 2.052 for Masternodes]
  • Premine blocks: 578,000 (from block height 2 and block height 3)
  • Confirmation: 100 blocks

Increase in masternode reward will take the following periods. First period is at block 16616

Period 1: 51.3% X 4 = 2.05 XAZAB

Period 2: 52.6% X 4 = 2.104 XAZAB

Period 3: 53.3% X 4 = 2.132 XAZAB

Period 4: 54% X 4 = 2.16 XAZAB

Period 5: 54.6% X 4 = 2.184 XAZAB

Period 6: 55.2% X 4 = 2.208 XAZAB

Period 7: 55.7% X 4 = 2.228 XAZAB

Period 8: 56.2% X 4 = 2.248 XAZAB

Period 9: 56.7% X 4 = 2.268 XAZAB

Period 10: 57.2% X 4 = 2.288 XAZAB

Period 11: 57.7% X 4 = 2.308 XAZAB

Period 12: 58.2% X 4 = 2.328 XAZAB

Period 13: 58.5% X 4 = 2.34 XAZAB

Period 14: 58.8% X 4 = 2.352 XAZAB

Period 15: 59.1% X 4 = 2.364 XAZAB

Period 16: 59.4% X 4 = 2.376 XAZAB

Period 17: 59.7% X 4 = 2.388 XAZAB

Period 18: 59.9% X 4 = 2.396 XAZAB

Period 19: 60% X 4 = 2.40 XAZAB

Download The Xazab Wallet

19d2078b1578293197d3a29006a6f838508f3764d33604d82251ce858b100840 xazabcore-
b81eaf197e5649baadb6afda95abedc1b2a3f33ffd2f5119f9b126cb19e20829 xazabcore-
06a5dbfeeb6dafbb2236d91559d5b4f8de61a1f9657a312e81dfb8e10133cadb xazabcore-
8a23c7fe68fa04fc0a825ca5d3203c7dd77b27e3055afac3d060a068fc58024b  xazabcore-
74030f884dc3ca72851671b740be56961f1009bea322116d1df7995238f916dc  xazabcore-0.17.0-win64-setup.exe
6b825789c050d7eb9149ff7ec47c2bd77c697bd8dd06c128882db2f75c6dc4ec  xazabcore-
47283ec48c9a80f2ffc00fd67dab5709a8e6d6b477a7b7bb582e37184ed0cd91  xazabcore-
1a095d0c915174ab188dbddcf2a529734ac37d9092ad2aea38ba561895fe44d8  xazabcore-0.17.0-win32-setup.exe

64-bit windows Installer

64-bit windows binaries zip file

32-bit windows binaries Installer

32-bit windows binaries zip file

64-bit linux binaries

32-bit linux binaries

Armv7 binaries

Armv8 binaries

Android Mobile Wallet


Social Media



Explorer Api


Xazab Core is released under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for more information or see

Development Process

The master branch is meant to be stable. Development is normally done in separate branches. Tags are created to indicate new official, stable release versions of Xazab Core.

The contribution workflow is described in

Masternode Setup

To set up a xazab masternode you need 1000 XAZAB, VPS and s Xazab wallet.


  1. Go to the Desktop wallet Click Tools > Debug console and enter the command into the console section

From the address generated above send 1000 XAZAB to the address and wait for 15 confirmation

Check the masternode output with this command

masternode outputs

Setting up the VPS

With a vps, linux operating system, login to your user terminal with

ssh root@your-vps-ip

Once you are login, create two new users, one to administer the server and one to run the xazabd service.

useradd -m -c xazab xazab -s /bin/bash
useradd -m -c "Xazab Admin" xazabadmin -s /bin/bash -G sudo,xazab

NOTE: # The xazab user password can be very long and you are not expected to remember it since we will not use it

< /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${1:-32};echo
passwd xazab

For the xazabadmin user, choose a long password and write it down, this is the password you will use from now on to login into the VPS and administer the masternode.

passwd xazabadmin

Once you are done with the above, simply close the terminal by typing exit which will automatically close the window. Log again into the terminal and use use whoami to check that you are login in to the admin user account.

Next is to total disable root login for security purposes. Use the below code to do it. just copy and pass it in the terminal at once. Do not copy one at a time but paste all at once.

``NOTE:``` Do not run it in the root user but in the xazab admin user

if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then
sudo bash -c \
"grep -q \".*PermitRootLogin [ny][oe].*\" /etc/ssh/sshd_config &&\
sed -i 's/.*PermitRootLogin [ny][oe].*/PermitRootLogin no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config||\
echo \"PermitRootLogin no\">>/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
else echo "Only run this block as your xazabadmin user, not root."; fi

Now update the system and install other needed packages. Copy all and paste at once into the terminal

sudo apt update -y \
sudo apt upgrade -y \
sudo apt install ufw python virtualenv git unzip pv speedtest-cli -y

Configure a firewall. Copy all and paste at once into the terminal

sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp &&\
sudo ufw limit ssh/tcp &&\
sudo ufw allow 30303/tcp &&\
sudo ufw logging on &&\
sudo ufw enable

Add swap space to your VPS.

if [ $(free -m|grep Swap|awk '{print $2}') -lt 2048 ]
  echo "Adding 2GB swap..."
  sudo bash -c "fallocate -l 2G /var/swapfile&&\
  chmod 600 /var/swapfile&&\
  mkswap /var/swapfile&&\
  swapon /var/swapfile&&\
  grep -q \"^/var/swapfile.none.swap.sw.0.0\" /etc/fstab ||\
  echo -e \"/var/swapfile\tnone\tswap\tsw\t0\t0\" >>/etc/fstab"
  echo "You already have enough swap space."

Change the default login port of 22 to any port number your like and kindly remember the new port, this is to add more security to your server. Open the ssh port file with the nano or vi

sudo /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Locate the line where you see

#Port 22

Remove the leading character # and and remove the 22 and change it to a new port you can remember, lets say i want port 11212 it will now look like this

Port 11212

After changing the above port like that, restart the ssh with the below command

systemctl restart sshd

IMPORTANT: Make sure you allow your new port if not you will be lock out of your server. Use

sudo ufw allow 11212

To allow the VM to use memory more effectively and prevent crashes due to low memory. Run the below to set this parameter.

sudo bash -c "echo \"vm.overcommit_memory=1\">>/etc/sysctl.conf"

Now after the above steps is completed reboot your system with the below method

sudo reboot

After few seconds kindly log back to your xazabadmin panel and check to see if you are now login. Remember that root login is disabled so you cannot login again into the terminal.

ssh xazabadmin@your-vps-ip -p your-new-vps-port

Download the xazab wallet with the below command. Copy the below code at once and paste it in your terminal

cd /tmp/ &&

Install the xazab wallet with the below command

sudo bash -c "cd /opt&& rm -f xazab 2>/dev/null;tar xvf /tmp/xazabcore- ln -s xazabcore-0.16.0 xazab"

Xazab package comes with user manuals, run the below command.

sudo bash -c "echo -e \"MANPATH_MAP\t/opt/xazab/bin\t\t/opt/xazab/share/man\">>/etc/manpath.config"

Configure the PATH environment variable for the xazab user so it can run xazab commands, eg xazabd and xazab-cli etc

sudo bash -c "echo 'PATH=/opt/xazab/bin:\$PATH'>>/home/xazab/.profile"

Configure the xazab.conf file by running this code on your terminal and remeber to enter your own masternodeblsprivkey=XXXXXXXXX gotten from above.

sudo -u xazab bash -c "mkdir -p /home/xazab/.xazabcore&&cat >/home/xazab/.xazabcore/xazab.conf<<\"EOF\"
rpcuser=rpcuser$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${8};echo)
rpcpassword=rpcpassword$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${8};echo)
sudo -i -u xazab bash -c "nano ~/.xazabcore/xazab.conf"

Register the xazabd deamon as a system process so that is starts automatically when the VPS boots and shutdown automatically when the VPS shutsdown, it will also restart the process if it should crash for some reason.

sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system&&\
sudo bash -c "cat >/etc/systemd/system/xazabd.service<<\"EOF\"
Description=Xazab Core Daemon

# Notes:
# Watch the daemon service actions in the syslog journal with:
# sudo journalctl -u xazabd.service -f


# Make xazabd less likely to be killed when RAM is low.

ExecStart=/opt/xazab/bin/xazabd -pid=/home/xazab/.xazabcore/
# Time that systemd gives a process to start before shooting it in the head

# If ExecStop is not set, systemd sends a SIGTERM, which is \"okay\", just not ideal
ExecStop=/opt/xazab/bin/xazab-cli stop

# Time that systemd gives a process to stop before shooting it in the head

# If something triggers an auto-restart, let's wait a bit before taking further action
# Note: This value is in addition to the stop sleep time

# In this interval span of time, we allow systemd to start xazabd "burst" number
# of times. With Xazab we really only want one instance started, so... let's
# really limit this. But we want to give systemd some room to attempt to
# correct things. To be honest, I think the way things are configured between
# these settings and TimeoutStartSec, only one instance will be initiated.


The next thing to do is to enable xazabd

sudo systemctl daemon-reload &&\
sudo systemctl enable xazabd &&\
sudo systemctl start xazabd &&\
echo "Xazab is now installed as a system service and initializing..."

To see the status of the xazabd process issue the below command.

systemctl status xazabd.service

You should see it running. To view systemd logs for xazab, issue:

sudo journalctl -u dashd.service -f

Press 'CTRL+C' to quit.

View the xazabd logs, issue the below command CTRL+C to quit, the logs should be streaming past very quickly.

sudo tail -300f ~/../xazab/.xazabcore/debug.log

To see that xazabd is running correctly, we need to configure and run top

The below steps for configuring top are optional, but if you do it will make the UI much more user friendly. Copy & paste the block below into the terminal.

echo "H4sICKY9SFsCAy50b3ByYwCt01tv0zAUB/Dn+lP4ibUQRhMnoYNmG2vVXVjHZRuXcQle4qQecRPZ
base64 -d|zcat >~/.toprc

You can view the .toprc with the below command

cat ~/.toprc

Test top with the below command. This will show you what is running on the VPS, processes using the most CPU will appear at the top of the list. You should see xazab at the top of the list, it should be running as the xazab user. You can also monitor memory usage. Once done press 'q' to quit.


From now on to start/stop xazabd use the below commands and the final one is to monitor its present status. Do not run the below commands now, keep them for your reference.

sudo systemctl start xazabd
sudo systemctl stop xazabd
sudo systemctl status xazabd

The next few commands should be run as the xazab user, login as the xazab user now:

sudo su - xazab

# Verify you actually are the xazab user by typing in `whoami` is should display xazab.



Sentinel Installation.

cd &&\
git clone &&\
cd sentinel &&\
virtualenv venv &&\
venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt &&\
venv/bin/py.test test &&\
venv/bin/python bin/

You will see a message reading xazabd not synced with network! Awaiting full sync before running Sentinel. Add sentinel to crontab to make sure it runs every 10 minutes to check on your masternode:

echo "*/10 * * * * { test -f ~/.xazabcore/ ~/sentinel && venv/bin/python bin/;} >> \
~/sentinel/sentinel-cron.log 2>&1" \
|crontab -&&echo "Successfully installed cron job."

We now need to wait for 15 confirmations of the collateral transaction to complete, and wait for the blockchain to finish synchronizing on the masternode. You can use the following commands to monitor progress:

xazab-cli mnsync status
xazab-cli getblockcount
xazab-cli masternode status

Register your masternode

From your desktop wallet go to Click Tools > Debug console and enter the command below:

masternode outputs

The above command will output the following:

"14547a28f4e5edf39f4dceac60e2327931a25fdee1fb4b94b63eeacf0d5879e3" : "1",

collateralHash = 14547a28f4e5edf39f4dceac60e2327931a25fdee1fb4b94b63eeacf0d5879e3 collateralIndex = 1

Generate a BLS key pair

In the console type in

bls generate

that will generate the follow :

  "secret": "395555d67d884364f9e37e7e1b29536519b74af2e5ff7b62122e62c2fffab35e",
  "public": "99f20ed1538e28259ff80044982372519a2e6e4cdedb01c96f8f22e755b2b3124fbeebdf6de3587189cf44b3c6e7670e"

You will put the one with secret into masternodeblsprivkey in your ubuntu server. Go back to your VPS and add it. Run this commands

sudo systemctl stop xazabd

After that do this

nano ~/.xazabcore/xazab.conf

Then add the value of the secret into masternodeblsprivkey


Save and then run

sudo systemctl start xazabd

Prepare a ProRegTx transaction

Use the value of the public key generated above as the operatorPubKey. Get a new address which will be use as ownerKeyAddr


The address above is called your ownerKeyAddr

The generate another address and call it votingKeyAddr


Generate an owner’s masternode payouts address called payoutAddress.


Unlock your wallet and after that We will now prepare an unsigned ProRegTx special transaction using the protx register_prepare command. This command has the following syntax

protx register_prepare collateralHash collateralIndex ipAndPort ownerKeyAddr
  operatorPubKey votingKeyAddr operatorReward payoutAddress (feeSourceAddress)

You will get an output of

  "tx": "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",
  "collateralAddress": "yjSPYvgUiAQ9AFj5tKFA8thFLoLBUxQERb",
  "signMessage": "yjZVt49WsQd6XSrPVAUGXtJccxviH9ZQpN|0|yfgxFhqrdDG15ZWKJAN6dQvn6dZdgBPAip|yfRaZN8c3Erpqj9iKnmQ9QDBeUuRhWV3Mg|ad5f82257bd00a5a1cb5da1a44a6eb8899cf096d3748d68b8ea6d6b10046a28e"

Sign the ProRegTx transaction

The command takes the following syntax to sign the proregtx:

signmessage collateralAddress signMessage

You will get an output of


Submit the signed message

protx register_submit tx sig

sig = signMessage