we use Semantic Versioning
- Add back akka 2.5.x * scala 2.11.x in
compatible (binary & source) withakka-guice:3.2.0
- support scala 3 (for akka 2.6.x only)
- migrate from travis to github action using sbt-devops
- Update to latest patch version of akka, scala, guice
- update akka 2.6.1, guice 4.2.2
- support scala 2.13, drop support for scala 2.11
- update akka 2.5.4, scala 2.11.11 & 2.12.3
- move source code to github.com/ohze/akka-guice
- building settings change:
- update sbt 1.0.1, sbt-sonatype 2.0, sbt-pgp 1.1.0
- use sbt-coursier
- use sbt-scalafmt-coursier instead of sbt-scalariform
- update akka 2.4.6, scala 2.11.8 & 2.12.0-M4
- add travis test for openjdk8
- update akka 2.4.2
- update sbt 0.13.11 & some sbt plugins
- cross compile to scala 2.11.7, 2.12.0-M3
- update akka 2.4.1
- update sbt 0.13.9, akka 2.4.0 (drop support for java7, scala 2.10)
- make ActorProducer
- remove trait ActorFactory, AssistedActorProducer. Should use AkkaGuiceSupport.bindActorFactory instead
- add dependency: guice-assistedinject
update scala 2.11.5, akka 2.3.8
remove trait TopActorInject
. use injectTopActor
method to inject top actor
- cross compile to scala 2.10.4 & 2.11.4
- make
afinal def
to fix a invalid error highlight in Intellij
Support Assisted Inject Actor
First release