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This package provides a Python class to help writing ROS 2 launch files.


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This package provides a Python class to help writing ROS 2 launch files.

The motivation behind this package is that the ROS 2 launch Python syntax may not be suited for many simple cases such as running basic nodes, spawning a robot_state_publisher, and grouping nodes in namespaces or components.

Thanks: this package is inspired by ros2_launch_util.

The entry point is the SimpleLauncher class, which has several capabilities.

Basic syntax

Namespace and argument parser initialization

sl = SimpleLauncher(namespace = '', use_sim_time = None)

  • will initialize all nodes relative to the given namespace
  • if use_sim_time is a Boolean, creates a use_sim_time launch argument with this value as the default and forwards it to all nodes, unless explicitely specified when running the node
  • if use_sim_time is 'auto', then SimpleLauncher will set it to True if the /clock topic is advertized (case of an already running simulation). This may have side effects if the /clock topic is advertized but you want to use this launch file with system clock.
  • if use_sim_time is None (default) then no particular value is forwarded to the nodes

Node registration

sl.node(package, executable, **node_args) where

  • package is the node package
  • executable is the name of the executable
  • node_args are any additional Node arguments given as a list

Launch file include

sl.include(package, launch_file, launch_dir = None, launch_arguments=None) where

  • package is the package of the included launch file
  • launch_file is the name of the launch file
  • launch_dir is its directory inside the package share (None to have it found)
  • launch_arguments is a list of arguments to pass to the included launch file

Robust types for parameters

In the launch API, differents types are expected for:

  • node parameters: a list of dictionaries
  • node remappings: a list of (key, value) pairs
  • included launch arguments: a list of (key, value) pairs
  • xacro arguments: a concatenation of key:=value strings

The sl.include, sl.node and xacro_args calls allow using any type (the simplest being a single dictionary) and will convert to the one expected by the API.

SimpleSubstution class

Most all methods listed below return an instance of SimpleSubstitution that wraps any Substitution, but that provides concatenation (+) and path concatenation (/) operators. It is still a Substitution, not a raw Python type.

Launch arguments

The helper class allows declaring launch arguments and getting them in return:

Declare a launch argument

sl.declare_arg(name, default_value, description = None): declare and returns the argument

Retrieve a launch argument

sl.arg(name): returns the argument name as a SimpleSubstitution

Retrieve several arguments as a dictionary

sl.arg_map('robot', 'x', 'y'): returns {'robot': <robot arg value>, 'x': <x arg value>, 'y': <y arg value>}

Node groups

Groups are created through the with syntax and accept both a namespace and/or an if/unless condition:

By namespace

    sl.node(package, executable)

From a condition

    sl.node(package, executable)

  with<some expression>):
    sl.node(package, executable)

Only one condition can be set in a group, nested condition must be combined first, or used in nested groups.

From conditional arguments

    sl.node(package, executable)

    sl.node(package, executable)

if_arg / unless_arg is expected to be the name of a launch argument. These two lines are equivalent:


If if_arg / unless_arg is not a string then it is considered as a if_condition / unless_condition.

Creating containers

This syntax adds the composition/composition::Talker as a ComposableNode

  with sl.container(name='my_container', output='screen'):
    sl.node(package='composition', plugin='Talker', name='talker')

Use the executable and package parameters if you want to use executors other than rclcpp_components's component_container:

  with sl.container(name='my_container', output='screen', executable='component_container_isolated'):


The current use_sim_time setting can be retrieved through sl.sim_time that may be:

  • None, if use_sim_time was not set in the SimpleLauncher constructor
  • a raw Boolean, if use_sim_time was set to 'auto', depending on the /clock topic being advertized
  • a Boolean launch argument, if use_sim_time was set to True or False

In all cases, if the use_sim_time parameter is explicitely given to a node, it will be used instead of the SimpleLauncher instance one.

Wrapper around OpaqueFunction

Most of the use cases can be dealt with substitutions and with blocs. In order to design more imperative launch files, the OpaqueFunction approach can be used. The main drawback is that potential errors are harder to track.

To do this with simple_launch:

  • the SimpleLauncher instance and the argument declaration should be done in the main body of your launch file.
  • then, define a function (e.g. launch_setup) that takes no argument, where the logic of the launch file resides.
  • all arguments obtained through sl.arg will be basic Python types, obtained from performing the substitutions.
  • finally just export generate_launch_description = sl.launch_description(opaque_function = launch_setup).

Compare and to see the two approaches on the same logic.

Note that inside an OpaqueFunction the if/unless idom reduces to a basic if/else:

# with substitutions
  # do stuff
  # do other stuff

# with opaque function
if sl.arg('some_condition'):
  # do stuff
  # do other stuff

Interaction with Gazebo / Ignition

Note: Ignition being renamed to Gazebo, all tools in this section use Gazebo / gz names

An effort was made to be robust to Ignition versus Gazebo uses, i.e. ign prefix is used for foxy and galactic while gz prefix is used from humble.

Launch Gazebo

The Gazebo launch file corresponding to the current ROS 2 distribution is launched with


Namely, it will redirect to either ros_ign_gazebo/ (foxy, galactic) or ros_gz_sim/ (humble+). The given gz_arguments, if any, will be forwarded either as the ign_args or gz_args, accordingly.

Spawn a model

The sl.spawn_gz_model(name, topic, model_file = None, spawn_args = [], only_new = True) functions allows easily spawing a model from its robot_description:

  • name is the name this model will get in Gazebo
  • topic is the topic to obtain the model from, default is robot_description (relative to the current namespace)
  • model_file is the path to the (urdf or sdf) file. If defined then this will spawn this model and ignore the topic
  • only_new if True, will not spawn the model if it already exists in a running Gazebo instance
  • spawn_args are any additional spawn arguments, e.g. the initial pose

example: sl.spawn_gz_model('my_robot', model_file = sl.find('my_pkg', 'my_model.urdf'))

Declare initial pose

Calling sl.declare_gazebo_axes() will declare all 6 parameters (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) with null default values. If any axis is given (e.g. sl.declare_gazebo_axes(yaw = 3.14) then only this parameter will be declared.

Such parameters can be retrieved through sl.gazebo_axes_args(). As a consequence, it is easy to spawn a model with:

sl.spawn_gz_model(name, spawn_args = sl.gazebo_axes_args())

Gazebo sim

The GazeboBridge class has a few static methods to interact with a running Gazebo. Namely:

  • returns the current world name
  • GazeboBridge.model_prefix(model) builds the Gazebo topic relative to the given model /world/<world>/model/<model>
  • GazeboBridge.has_model(model) returns True of False depending on the passed model existing in Gazebo already

Gazebo bridge

The GazeboBridge class allows easily creating bridges when using Gazebo. Gazebo has to be already running in order to get information on the simulation scene.

An instance is created with: bridge = GazeboBridge(<gazebo_topic>, <ros_topic>, <ros_message>, direction) where direction is either:

  • GazeboBridge.gz2ros for Gazebo -> ROS
  • GazeboBridge.ros2gz for ROS -> Gazebo
  • GazeboBridge.bidirectional for both

The Gazebo message type is deduced from the ros message type. Remapping will be set to the given ros_topic.

The SimpleLauncher instance can then run all created bridges with: sl.create_gz_bridge([bridges], <node_name>), as illustrated in the examples at this end of this document. If some bridges involve sensor_msgs/Image then a dedicated ros_gz_image bridge will be used.

Other shortcuts

String / substitution concatenation

The following syntax builds the SimpleSubstitution corresponding to <robot name>.xacro:

file_name = sl.arg('robot') + '.xacro'

deprecated: sl.name_join(sl.arg('robot'), '.xacro')

Path concatenation

The following syntax builds the SimpleSubstitution corresponding to <package_path>/urdf/<robot name>.xacro:

file_name = sl.arg('robot') + '.xacro'
urdf_file = os.path.join(get_package_share_directory(package),'urdf')/file_name

Obviously if all the path elements are raw strings, you should use os.path.join all along.

deprecated: sl.path_join(get_package_share_directory(package), sl.arg('robot'), '.xacro')

Find a share file

path = sl.find(package, file_name = None, file_dir = None) where:

  • package is the name of the package or None if file_name is already an absolute path
  • file_name is the name of the file to find
  • file_dir is the path inside the package

If file_dir is None then the find function will actually look for the file inside the package share, assuming that package and file_name are raw strings.

If file_name is None then the function just returns the path to the package share directory (e.g. get_package_share_directory(package))

Robot state publisher

sl.robot_state_publisher(package, description_file, description_dir=None, xacro_args=None, prefix_gz_plugins=False, **node_args) where

  • description_file is a URDF or xacro file
  • description_dir is the sub-directory of the file. If omitted, let the script search for the file assuming it is a raw string
  • xacro_args are passed to xacro
  • prefix_gz_plugins is used only if a frame_prefix parameter is given to robot_state_publisher. In this case it will forward the frame prefix to Gazebo-published messages that include frame names
  • node_args are any additional arguments for robot_state_publisher (typically remapping)

Joint state publisher

sl.joint_state_publisher(use_gui, **node_args): fires up a joint_state_publisher, with or without the gui.


sl.rviz(config_file = None, warnings = False): runs RViz on the given configuration file. If warnings is False (default) then runs with log-level FATAL in order to avoid many messages in the console.

Fallback to low-level syntax

If any unavailable functionality is needed, the sl.entity(entity) function adds any passed Entity at the current namespace / conditional / composition level.


Examples can be found in the corresponding folder.

Launch with arguments

Here is a file spawning a robot_state_publisher and its joint_state_publisher, where:

  • prefix, x and y are launch arguments that are passed to xacro
  • use_gui tells whether joint_state_publisher should run the gui
from simple_launch import SimpleLauncher

def generate_launch_description():
    Launch description for a single robot - runs the two nodes in their own namespace
    sl = SimpleLauncher()

    sl.declare_arg('prefix', default_value = '', description='name of the robot (+ tf prefix)')
    sl.declare_arg('x', default_value = 0, description='x-offset of the robot')
    sl.declare_arg('y', default_value = 0, description='y-offset of the robot')
    sl.declare_arg('use_gui', default_value = True, description='Use JSP gui')

    xacro_args = sl.arg_map('prefix', 'x', 'y')
    xacro_args['prefix'] = [xacro_args['prefix'], ':']

        sl.robot_state_publisher('simple_launch', 'turret.xacro', xacro_args = xacro_args)
        sl.joint_state_publisher(sources_list = ['source_joints'], use_gui = sl.arg('use_gui'))

    return sl.launch_description()

Conditional blocks and includes

The file below fires up either robot1 or robot2 (or both) and also has a boolean argument to spawn RViz2:

from simple_launch import SimpleLauncher

def generate_launch_description():

    sl = SimpleLauncher()

    # conditional args
    sl.declare_arg('robot1', default_value=True, description='use robot 1')
    sl.declare_arg('robot2', default_value=True, description='use robot 2')
    sl.declare_arg('no_robot2', default_value=False, description='cancel use of robot 2')
    sl.declare_arg('rviz', default_value=True, description='Bringup RViz2')

    # numeric args
    sl.declare_arg('robot2_x', default_value=1, description='x-offset of robot 2')
    sl.declare_arg('robot2_y', default_value=1, description='y-offset of robot 2')

        sl.include('simple_launch', '',
                   launch_arguments = {'prefix': 'robot1'})



            args = {'prefix': 'robot2', 'x':sl.arg('robot2_x'), 'y': sl.arg('robot2_y')}
            sl.include('simple_launch', '', launch_arguments=args)

        rviz_config = sl.find('simple_launch', 'turret.rviz')
        sl.node('rviz2', 'rviz2', arguments = ['-d', rviz_config])

    return sl.launch_description()

Conditions with OpaqueFunction

The file below does the same as the previous one, but using an OpaqueFunction:

from simple_launch import SimpleLauncher

# declare simple launcher and the launch arguments in the main body
sl = SimpleLauncher()

# conditional args
sl.declare_arg('robot1', default_value=True, description='use robot 1')
sl.declare_arg('robot2', default_value=True, description='use robot 2')
sl.declare_arg('no_robot2', default_value=False, description='cancel use of robot 2')
sl.declare_arg('rviz', default_value=True, description='Bringup RViz2')

# numeric args
sl.declare_arg('robot2_x', default_value=1, description='x-offset of robot 2')
sl.declare_arg('robot2_y', default_value=1, description='y-offset of robot 2')

# string args
sl.declare_arg('included', default_value = 'included_launch')

# define the opaque function, context will be wrapped in the SimpleLauncher instance
def launch_setup():

    # we can use raw if as `robot1` argument is performed to a Boolean
    if sl.arg('robot1'):
        sl.include('simple_launch', '', launch_arguments = {'prefix': 'robot1'})

    # and even combine conditions
    if sl.arg('robot2') and not sl.arg('no_robot2'):

            args = {'prefix': 'robot2', 'x':sl.arg('robot2_x'), 'y': sl.arg('robot2_y')}
            # summing up args and strings
            sl.include('simple_launch', sl.arg('included') + '.py', launch_arguments=args)

    if sl.arg('rviz'):
        rviz_config = sl.find('simple_launch', 'turret.rviz')
        sl.node('rviz2', 'rviz2', arguments = ['-d', rviz_config])

    return sl.launch_description()

# wrap the opaque_function in the launch description
# /!\ no `def generate_launch_description():`

generate_launch_description = sl.launch_description(opaque_function = launch_setup)


The file below is another way to write the composition launch example:

from simple_launch import SimpleLauncher

def generate_launch_description():

    sl = SimpleLauncher()

    with sl.container(name='my_container', output='screen'):
        sl.node(package='composition', plugin='Talker', name='talker')
        sl.node(package='composition', plugin='Listener', name='listener')

    return sl.launch_description()

auto sim time

Here we run Gazebo and force all other nodes to use_sim_time:=True, unless this file is included from another one with use_sim_time:=False. This is unlikely as this launch file spawns a simulator.

from simple_launch import SimpleLauncher, GazeboBridge

def generate_launch_description():

    # all nodes in this launch file will use_sim_time:=True
    sl = SimpleLauncher(use_sim_time=True)

    # run Gazebo + clock bridge
    sl.gz_launch(f'-r {<path/to/some/sdf/world>}')

    # run other nodes with sim time

    return sl.launch_description()

Robot description and conditionnal Gazebo bridge

The file below only runs by default a robot_state_publisher with use_sim_time:=False. However, if it is included from another file with use_sim_time:=True then it also spawns the robot into Gazebo and run two bridges for joint states and pose.

from simple_launch import SimpleLauncher, GazeboBridge

def generate_launch_description():

    sl = SimpleLauncher(use_sim_time=False)

    # namespace is a launch argument, not a Python string
    sl.declare_arg('robot', default_value = 'robot1')
    robot = sl.arg('robot')

    with = robot):
        # robot_state_publisher is always run
        sl.robot_state_publisher('my_description', 'my_robot.xacro')

        with = sl.sim_time):
            # only execute this group if use_sim_time was set to True

            # spawn in Gazebo at default pose if not already here
            # uses GazeboBridge.has_model(robot) under the hood and calls ros_ign_gazebo::create

            # create a bridge for joint states @ /world/<world>/model/<robot>/joint_state
            # note the relative ROS topic 'joint_states' that is actually namespaced
            gz_js_topic = GazeboBridge.model_prefix(robot)/'joint_state'
            js_bridge = GazeboBridge(gz_js_topic, 'joint_states', 'sensor_msgs/JointState', GazeboBridge.gz2ros)

            # pose publisher bridge @ /model/<robot>
            pose_bridge = GazeboBridge('/model'/robot/'/pose',
                                       'pose_gt', 'geometry_msgs/Pose', GazeboBridge.gz2ros)

            # create bridge node with these two topics with default name gz_bridge
            sl.create_gz_bridge([js_bridge, pose_bridge])

    return sl.launch_description()


This package provides a Python class to help writing ROS 2 launch files.







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