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Welcome to the Behavioral Driven Development (BDD) subsytem for Fabric

Developers will find these mechanisms useful for both exploratory and verification purposes.

Getting started


Setup python virtual environment wrapper usage

    sudo pip install virtualenv
    sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
    export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs
    source /usr/local/bin/

Setup your virtual environment for behave

Virtual Environment Guide

    mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 behave_venv

This will automaticall switch you to the new environment if successful. In the future, you can switch to the virtual environment using the workon command as shown below.

    workon behave_venv

Now install required modules into the virtual environment

NOTE: If you have issues installing the modules below, and you are running the vagrant environment, consider performing a vagrant destroy followed by a vagrant up.

    pip install behave
    pip install grpcio-tools
    pip install "pysha3==1.0b1"
    pip install b3j0f.aop
    pip install jinja2
    # The pyopenssl install gives errors, but installs succeeds
    pip install pyopenssl
    pip install ecdsa
    pip install python-slugify
    pip install pyyaml

Running behave

Peer Executable and Docker containers

Behave requires the peer executable for packaging deployments. To make the peer execute the following command.

#Change to the root fabric folder to perform the following commands.
cd ..

# Optionally perform the following clean if you are unsure of your environments state.
make clean
make peer

The behave system also uses several docker containers. Execute the following commands to create the required docker containers.

    make peer-docker
    make orderer-docker

Change back to the bddtests folder (Where this readme is located) to execute subsequent behave commands.

    cd bddtests

Running all of the behave features and suppressing skipped steps (-k)

The following behave commands should be executed from within this folder.

    behave -k -D cache-deployment-spec

Running a specific feature

    behave -k -D cache-deployment-spec features/bootstrap.feature

Deactivating your behave virtual environment

Once you are done using behave and you wish to switch back to your normal python environment, issue the following command.
