- London
Every Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links back to your editor
The Ruby gem for querying Maxmind.com's GeoIP database, which returns the geographic location of a server given its IP address
Parse and process User Agents like a secret one
A nice rubyish interface to the Amazon Product Advertising API, formerly known as the Associates Web Service and before that the Amazon E-Commerce Service.
formasfunction / remotipart
Forked from leppert/remotipartRemotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling remote multipart forms (AJAX style file uploads) with jQuery.
A convenient mapping between ruby objects and the ONIX XML specification
A Ruby wrapper to the Google Book Search Data API
*I no longer maintain this project* Urobot tries to answer to the question if a user-agent string belongs to a (human) browser or a bot.
jongilbraith / rfpdf
Forked from edwinmoss/rfpdfRuby on Rails TCPDF plugin
completelynovel / acl_system2
Forked from ezmobius/acl_system2An access control plugin for Rails
completelynovel / acl2_ownership
Forked from ocher/acl2_ownershipAdd ownership functionality to Ezra's Zygmuntowicz acl_system plugin
A plugin to handle currency and foreign exchange.
Tools for handling the Rails params hash. Well, currently just 'tool'.
completelynovel / bitly
Forked from philnash/bitlyA ruby wrapper for the bit.ly API
completelynovel / oauth-plugin
Forked from pelle/oauth-pluginRails plugin for OAuth
completelynovel / docsplit
Forked from documentcloud/docsplitBreak Apart Documents into Images, Text, Pages and PDFs
Some simple caching helpers with an emphasis on being able to cleanly specify a set of extensive combinations of values to generate the key.
completelynovel / acl9
Forked from be9/acl9Yet another role-based authorization system for Rails
awesome_nested_set without the forced attr_protected calls
An access control system. Badger stylee.
Badgertastic solr searching technology from France.
oliverbrooks / remotipart
Forked from formasfunction/remotipartRemotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling remote multipart forms (AJAX style file uploads) with jQuery.