- Presentation: Jepsen - Why do we need a separate framework for testing distributed systems
- Presentation: Efficient continuous integration in JavaScript and TypeScript monorepos using Turborepo
- Demo: Integrating doctests in your CI-pipeline
- Demo: Introducing API sanity checker for C++
- Presentation: Automated Switch Validation with P4 Models
- Demo: Is 100% line coverage enough? The case for mutation testing with Rust.
- Demo: Using GitStream to automate pull requests
- Presentation: Introducing MemLab for automated memory leak detection in JavaScript applications
- Demo: TestNG framework in Java TestAutomation
- Demo: Maven using docker with Github Actions
- Presentation: Arcmutate: Improving code with mutation testing for Java
- Demo: Hosting a Maven Spring Boot application with a MySQL database on Clever Cloud
- Presentation: Automated Testing for videogames: SUPERNOVA and Agent-Based.
- Demo: Deployment of Azure resource to prod environment
- Presentation: An introduction to ML driven CICD using Harness
- Presentation: Ensuring Security in CI/CD Pipeline with SonarQube
- Demo: Hot code reloading in the Erlang virtual machine
- Demo: Canary deployment with Kubernetes and Microsoft Azure
- Presentation: Kubernetes this, Kubernetes that, but is it always the optimal choice?
- Presentation: Orbs make CircleCI the superior CI/CD option
- Presentation: Rolling Deployment with Kubernetes
- Demo: How to deploy on AWS EC2 using ECS and GitHub Actions
- Presentation: An introduction to the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool Terraform and how it compares to DevOps tools like Ansible
Demo: Switching to Podman from Docker in your CI/CD pipeline- Demo: Serverless functions with Gatsby and Gatsby Cloud
- Presentation: Package management for Kubernetes using Helm Charts
- Presentation: Lagom: Reactive Microservices for the JVM
- Demo: Implementing multiple VMs with Vagrant
- Presentation: Design patterns for fault tolerance in microservices
- Presentation: Apptainer: Containers for security and High Performance Computing
- Presentation: Unlocking the Power of Azure Container Apps
- Demo: DockerSlim: Make your container small and secure!
- Demo: Utilizing Docker extensions to improve container development
- Presentation: Large messages in Kafka and how to handle them
- Demo: Configuration as Code with Jenkins
- Demo: How to Use Ansible to Automate Initial Server Setup on Ubuntu 20.04
- Demo: How to define input variables and query data in Docker using Terraform
- Demo: Using Checkov with Terraform and GitHub Actions
- Demo: Managing Terraform's state remotely using AWS
- Demo: Mars: infrastructure-as-code tool for Ethereum
- Demo: Switching to Podman from Docker in your CI/CD pipeline
- Presentation: How Synthetic Monitoring can save your application
- Demo: Observability in Action: Using honeycomb to track down a real bug
- Presentation: Feature Flag deployment with Split.io
- Demo: Data visualization and analysis using Kibana
- Presentation: Managing Machine Learning Models with Seldon Core
- Presentation: Monitoring and Canary automation with Dynatrace
- Presentation: How MLFlow can enhance your ML operations
- Demo: Deploy DL models with Triton Inference Server
- Presentation: Using Cross Monitoring to scale on the Edge
- Demo: Blazing fast feature flags and A/B testing with Vercel edge functions and edge config