LeetCode LeetCode Algorithm Inspired by haoel's leetcode,KimReady's leetcode and qiyuangong's leetcode It's solutions for Leetcode, consisting of Kotlin languages that work on JVM. # Title Solution Difficulty 134 Gas Station Kotlin Medium 1232 Check If It Is a Straight Line Kotlin Easy 863 All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree Kotlin Medium 400 Nth Digit Kotlin Medium 22 Generate Parentheses Kotlin Medium 49 Group Anagrams Kotlin Medium 202 Happy Number Kotlin Easy 122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Kotlin Easy 53 Maximum Subarray Kotlin Easy 283 Move Zeroes Kotlin Easy 1358 Number of Substrings Containing All Three Characters Kotlin Medium 73 Set Matrix Zeroes Kotlin Medium 355 Design Twitter Kotlin Medium 844 Backspace String Compare Kotlin Easy 30_Challenge_Week1_Day7 Counting Elements Kotlin ? 543 Diameter of Binary Tree Kotlin Easy 155 Min Stack Kotlin Easy 1046 Last Stone Weight Kotlin Easy 30_Challenge_Week2_Day7 Perform String Shifts Kotlin ? 30_Challenge_Week3_Day7 Leftmost Column with at Least a One Kotlin ? 993 Cousins in Binary Tree Kotlin Easy 208 Implement Trie(Prefix Tree) Kotlin Medium 1277 Count Square Submatrices with All Ones Kotlin Medium 338 Counting Bits Kotlin Medium 70 Climbing Stairs Kotlin Easy 518 Coin_Change2 Kotlin Medium