Download a github shell from here:
Follow these steps starting with Step 3: (You can setup a ssh-key if you'd like, or use the https method. Either is fine)
Download nodejs for windows from here: ... install it.
If using ssh keys
git clone [email protected]:Foliotek/ImageCropper.git
If using https
git clone
--- The above command is similar to an SVN checkout. It pulls the repository down. It will create a directory for you, you need to cd into that directory.
git pull //similar to svn update
git commit -am '[Commit Message Here]' // similar to svn commit, but it doesn't push the code to the repo.
git push origin master // will push your code to the repo. This is IMPORTANT. Your changes will only be local until you run this command.
git checkout -b [New Branch Name] // Create a new branch and switch your local repo to it
git checkout [Existing Branch Name] // check out from an existing branch
git push origin [branch] // If you're in a branch, this is what you'll want to do.
Before anything, run: npm install
Npm is similar to nuget, as it is a package manager. The packages are listed in the packages.json. It will download any packages you need.
Next run: grunt development
This comand does several things, and can be customized in the Gruntfile.js. What you need for the purpose of this image cropper is that it compiles everything in the src/
directory and copies it to the dist/ directory.
You'll only be editing files in the src/
directory. The dist directory is for rendering to the browser/server.
After you run grunt development, load http://localhost:8000 ... you should see the image cropper page. The grunt command also watches for files to change and builds for you, so you don't have to worry about rebuilding your code.
To Publish to gh-pages git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages