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How Sui Works |
This document is written for engineers, developers, and technical readers knowledgeable about the blockchain. It does not assume deep programming language or distributed systems expertise. See the Sui white paper for a much deeper explanation of how Sui works. See How Sui Differs from Other Blockchains for a high-level overview of the differences between Sui and other blockchain systems.
The Sui blockchain operates at a speed and scale previously thought unattainable. Sui assumes most blockchain transactions touch non-overlapping states, meaning that transactions can run in parallel. Sui optimizes for single-writer objects, allowing a design that forgoes consensus for simple transactions.
Instead of the traditional blockchain’s fire-and-forget broadcast, Sui's design enables a requestor or a proxy to proactively talk to validators to bring a transaction to finality. This results in near instant finality for simple transactions.
With this low latency, Sui makes it easy to incorporate transactions into games and other settings that need completion in real time. Sui also supports smart contracts written in Move, a language designed for blockchains with strong inherent security and a more understandable programming model.
In a world where the cost of bandwidth is diminishing steadily, we are creating an ecosystem of services that will find it easy, fun, and perhaps profitable to ensure transaction voting on behalf of users.
Become familiar with these key Sui concepts:
- Objects - Sui has programmable objects created and managed by Move packages (a.k.a. smart contracts). Move packages themselves are also objects. Thus, Sui objects can be partitioned into two categories: mutable data values and immutable packages.
- Transactions - All updates to the Sui ledger happen via a transaction. This section describes the transaction types supported by Sui and explains how their execution changes the ledger.
- Validators - The Sui network is operated by a set of independent validators, each running its own instance of the Sui software on a separate machine (or a sharded cluster of machines operated by the same entity).
Sui is a distributed ledger that stores a collection of programmable objects, each with a globally unique ID. Every object is owned by a single address, and each address can own an arbitrary number of objects.
The ledger is updated via a transaction sent by a particular address. A transaction can create, destroy, and write objects, as well as transfer them to other addresses.
Structurally, a transaction contains a set of input object references and a pointer to a Move code object that already exists in the ledger. Executing a transaction produces updates to the input objects and (if applicable) a set of freshly created objects along with their owners. A transaction whose sender is address A can accept objects owned by A, shared objects, and objects owned by other objects in the first two groups as input.
flowchart LR
CC(CLI Client) --> ClientService
RC(Rest Client) --> ClientService
RPCC(RPC Client) --> ClientService
ClientService --> AuthorityAggregator
AuthorityAggregator --> AC1[AuthorityClient] & AC2[AuthorityClient]
subgraph Authority1
subgraph Authority2
AC1 <==>|Network TCP| Authority1
AC2 <==>|Network TCP| Authority2
Sui validators agree on and execute transactions in parallel with high throughput using Byzantine Consistent Broadcast.
This section is written for a technical audience wishing to gain more insight about how Sui achieves its main performance and security objectives.
Sui assumes the typical blockchain transaction is a user-to-user transfer or asset manipulation and optimizes for that scenario. As a result, Sui distinguishes between two types of assets (i) owned objects that can be modified only by their specific owner, and (ii) shared objects that have no specific owners and can be modified by more than one user. This distinction allows for a design that achieves very low latency by forgoing consensus for simple transactions involving only owned objects.
Sui mitigates a major hindrance to blockchain growth: head-of-line blocking. Blockchain nodes maintain an accumulator that represents the state of the entire blockchain, such as the latest certified transactions. Nodes participate in a consensus protocol to add an update to that state reflecting the transaction’s modification to blocks (add, remove, mutate). That consensus protocol leads to an agreement on the state of the blockchain before the increment, the validity and suitability of the state update itself, and the state of the blockchain after the increment. On a periodic basis, these increments are collected in the accumulator.
In Sui, this consensus protocol is required only when the transaction involves shared objects. For this, Sui offers the Narwhal DAG-based mempool and efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus via Bullshark. When shared objects are involved, the Sui validators play the role of more active validators in other blockchains to totally order the transaction with respect to other transactions accessing shared objects.
Because Sui focuses on managing specific objects rather than a single aggregation of state, it also reports on them in a unique way: (i) every object in Sui has a unique version number, and (ii) every new version is created from a transaction that may involve several dependencies, themselves versioned objects.
As a consequence, a Sui validator – or any other entity with a copy of the state – can exhibit a causal history of an object, showing its history since genesis. Sui explicitly makes the bet that in many cases, the ordering of that causal history with the causal history of another object is irrelevant; and in the few cases where this information is relevant, Sui makes this relationship explicit in the data.
Sui guarantees transaction processing obeys eventual consistency in the classical sense. This breaks down in two parts:
- Eventual delivery - if one honest validator processes a transaction, all other honest validators will eventually do the same.
- Convergence - two validators that have seen the same set of transactions share the same view of the system (reach the same state).
But contrary to a blockchain, Sui does not stop the flow of transactions in order to witness the convergence.
Many transactions such as coin or object transfers, NFT minting, and smart contract publishing can be expressed as operations on single-owner objects that can be used in transactions by only one address at a time. Sui automatically recognizes such transactions and leverages this observation to forgo consensus. Instead, Sui uses simpler algorithms based on Byzantine Consistent Broadcast. See our list of potential single-writer apps for examples of real-world simple transactions.
These protocols are based on the FastPay design that comes with peer-reviewed security guarantees. In a nutshell, Sui takes the approach of taking a lock (or "stopping the world") only for the relevant piece of data rather than the whole chain. This enables parallel transaction submission and execution on a massive scale.
Sui further expands this approach to more involved transactions that may explicitly depend on multiple elements under their sender's control, using Move’s object model and leveraging Move's strong ownership model. By requiring that dependencies be explicit, Sui applies a multi-lane approach to transaction validation, making sure those independent transaction flows can progress without interference or synchronization.
Sui validates transactions individually, rather than batching them into traditional blocks. The key advantage of this approach is low latency; each successful transaction quickly obtains a certificate of finality that proves to anyone the transaction will be processed by the Sui network.
Submitting a Sui transaction involves the following steps. These are transparent to the transaction sender, but it's worth understanding what happens behind the scenes:
- Users send transactions to a quorum driver, such as a Full node, that broadcasts the transactions to a set of validators.
- Each Sui validator performs validity checks on transactions, and adds a signature to valid transactions. Each signature is weighted proportional to the amount staked with the validator. The combined weighting for all validators always equals 10,000. Therefore, the quorum threshold is always 6,667.
- The quorum driver collects signatures with a combined weight greater than or equal to 6,667 into a certificate and broadcasts it to all Sui validators.
- When a validator receives a certificate, the validator verifies the certificate. If the certificate is valid, the validator then executes the embedded transaction and returns signed transaction effects to the quorum driver. A transaction becomes final after a quorum of validators receive and execute the corresponding certificate.
- Optionally, the quorum driver can collect an effects certificate based on the previous step and return it to the sender.
While this may sound like a lot of steps, this process allows each validator to perform the operations above in parallel without coordination--observe that none of the preceding steps require validators to communicate with each other! This significantly reduces latency compared to a conventional blockchain that requires O(n^2) communication among validators before achieving transaction finality.
Finally, note that the role of quorum driver does not require access to any private keys, and can safely be delegated to a third party such as a Full node, an RPC provider, or a custodial wallet.
Many use-cases require shared objects that can be manipulated by two or more addresses at once--such as an auction with open bidding, or a central limit order book that accepts arbitrary trades. In such cases, Sui must sequence transactions that manipulate the same shared object using a consensus protocol. Sui uses Narwhal for high-throughput, horizontally scalable transaction dissemination and Bullshark for zero message overhead consensus.
For transactions involving one or more shared objects, the process is as described above up to step (4), where instead:
- When a validator receives a certificate and validates it, the validator uses Narwhal to submit the certificate to Bullshark for sequencing.
- After Sui sequences the transaction, it executes it to produce effects using same flow as (5) above.
As mentioned, Sui does not impose a total order on the transactions containing only owned objects. Instead, transactions are causally ordered. If a transaction T1
produces an output object O1
used as input objects in a transaction T2
, a validator must execute T1
before it executes T2
. Note that T2
does not need to use these objects directly for a causal relationship to exist, e.g., T1
might produce output objects which are then used by T3
, and T2
might use T3
's output objects. However, transactions with no causal relationship can be processed by Sui validators in any order. This insight allows Sui to massively parallelize execution, and shard it across multiple machines.
Sui employs the state-of-the-art Narwhal consensus protocol to totally order transactions involving shared objects. The consensus sub-system also scales in the sense that it can sequence more transactions by adding more machines per validator.
Sui smart contracts are written in the Move language. Move is safe and expressive, and its type system and data model naturally support the parallel agreement/execution strategies that make Sui scalable. Move is an open source programming language for building smart contracts originally developed at Meta for the Diem blockchain. The language is platform-agnostic, and in addition to being adopted by Sui, it has been gaining popularity on other platforms (e.g., 0L, StarCoin).
Find a more thorough explanation of Move’s features in:
- the Move Programming Language book
- Sui-specific Move instructions and differences on this site
- the Sui whitepaper and its formal description of Move in the context of Sui