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Starred repositories
An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library
The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.
🇨🇭 A React renderer for Three.js
😸 Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited!
A collection of essential TypeScript types
🌎 A completely free and open interplanetary microblogging platform 🚀
Starter kit with zero-config for building a library in TypeScript, featuring RollupJS, Jest, Prettier, TSLint, Semantic Release, and more!
A React components library with Win95 UI
Next Generation file based typed routing for Vue Router
Vite + Vue DevTools = DX 🔥
🧑🍳 This repository contains the source code for the website https://emojikitchen.dev and allows for quick and easy browsing of the over 100,000 supported emoji mashups as part of Google's Emoji Ki…
A UI framework for Vue.js 3 (and 2) with only the bright side. ☀️
The Pinia plugin to enable Object-Relational Mapping access to the Pinia Store.
VS Code extension which adds support for twoslash queries into typescript projects
An Elm-inspired language that transpiles to TypeScript
🎮 ADV.JS Web AVG Engine 面向未来与前端的文字冒险游戏引擎(WIP)
Wechaty [Matrix] Application Services Bridge
Mostly CSS slider with great performance.
IRB on browser powered by WebAssembly