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Ello webapp


The Ello webapp is a React application that uses Redux for unidirectional data flow and react-router for client side routing.


We have mostly adhered to a pattern of Container > Renderables > Parts.

An example is users: UserContainer > UserRenderables > UserParts


The Container is a Component connected to the redux store using react-redux's connect method. This gives us the ability to define a mapStateToProps function that utilizes selectors from reselect to grab immutable objects from the redux store to map back on to the React component.

Using immutable objects is important here since it allows us to prevent React from calling render too often by hooking into the shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method.


These are mostly high level like how a user is rendered in different cases such as compact, invitee, cards, and even the user detail page. (see UserRenderables)

We use functional components as much as possible since they are stateless and will just render if the container allows it. In cases where we need a bit more control over the props or lifecycle methods we would use a PureComponent.


These would be pieces that are reused in more than one Renderable such as username, links, location, etc. (see UserParts)


The StreamContainer is one of the key Containers in the webapp. This container is able to take a redux action that defines where the data should be fetched and how it should be rendered for list, grid, error or zero states like in loadUserDrawer.



This is where all of the data from api requests gets stored. Here is the basic format:

  assets: {
    1: { id: 1, hdpi: ..., ... },
    2: { id: 2, hdpi: ..., ... }
  pages: {
    "/discover/recent": {
      ids: ["3", "2", "1"],
      pagination: {
        next: "",
        totalCount: NaN,
        totalPages: NaN,
        totalPagesRemaining: 0
      type: "posts"
  posts: {
    1: { id: 1, token: "my-post-token-1", ... },
    2: { id: 2, token: "my-post-token-2", ... }
  profile: { ...currentUser },
  users: {
    1: { id: 1, username: "one", ... },
    2: { id: 2, username: "two", ... }

The keys within the json reducer are mappingTypes which match with the top level node of an API response so that they can be parsed dynamically. The only exception to this is the pages key which stores the results of a page with information on how to get to the next page of content.


Pages are typically tied directly to the pathname of the page i.e.: /discover/recent. But you can configure an action to have a resultKey which would override this default behavior for cases where more than one StreamContainer are on a page. Post detail pages are a good example of this since they have comments/lovers/reposters. If you store each of those with their own resultKey you will be able to switch between them without the need to refetch the data each time. The type property of a page is the collection that the ids will be pulled from and the pagination object contains how to get to the next page and page counts.

Sagas (WTF?)

A saga is a type of redux middleware that utilizes JavaScript generators to create side effects during the redux dispatch flow using redux-saga.

Sagas allow the app to intercept actions that were dispatched and create other side effects from them. An easy example would be when we logout of the app we set a cookie and redirect the user back to /enter as seen here.

Sagas are very testable due to the nature of a generator and the fact that you can step through them by calling the next function and determining that the return value is what was expected.


This is saga middleware that handles all API requests in the app and is the only place that fetch is ever called. It also handles generating other actions for a request. If you dispatch a LOAD_STREAM action it’s actually the requester that creates the LOAD_STREAM_REQUEST, LOAD_STREAM_SUCCESS, and LOAD_STREAM_FAILURE actions based off of what happens during the fetch. These actions can now be added to a switch of a reducer to modify state before it ends up in a connected component’s mapStateToProps function. It is also responsible for obtaining the json and parsing the paging headers from a request.

Action flow

  1. Call dispatch from a connected component
  2. Middleware can act on the action and can also dispatch side effects
  3. Reducers respond to actions and update application state
  4. mapStateToProps is called on all connected components with updated state

Preventing unnecessary renders

When mapStateToProps gets called the component will try to render unless you prevent it from doing so. Here are a couple ways to prevent this from happening:

  1. Implement shouldComponentUpdate in connected components. If this method returns false, render won't get called again.
  2. Make Renderables extend PureComponent, which does a shallow compare to prevent re-renders.

Helpful links:

Emoji autocompleter in dev

To get the emojis.json file run: curl -o public/static/emojis.json To turn it on add this to your .env: USE_LOCAL_EMOJI=true
