- Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Rr9UTmMj8k
- GitHub Issue: #26
- OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council
- OpenJS Foundation Project Maintainers
- OpenJS Foundation Board of Directors
Jory Burson (@jorydotcom) Donovan Buck (@dtex) Brian Kardell (@briankardell) Joe Sepi (@joesepi) Richard Gibson (@gibson042) Joe Sepi (@joesepi) Dan Ehrenberg (@littledan) Jordan Harband (@ljharb)
*Extracted from cross-project-council-agenda labeled issues and pull requests from the openjs-foundation org prior to the meeting.
- Document governance for the standards-wg #19
We can use the cpc governance doc to start as a starter. Brian + Jory + TPAC group to workshop a draft next week to share with the group
Does this capture everything? Hard to say. Reporting requirement - summary back to the community Also perhaps a pre-meeting conversation “We won’t cover your expenses unless you are claiming to represent the foundation” People who have some specific proposal to champion vs. people who are playing an ambassador type role Ambassador roles could be part of the TC39 outreach project effort Clarity should be required around what capacity someone is serving and what Maybe work on some talking point/goal/objective doc to focus this prior to a meeting Responsibility to convey the viewpoint of foundation members that gave it, this includes the representatives themselves who are free and encouraged to provide their technical opinion as well Responsibility to make sure the things you say that do not reflect the foundation’s opinion are not misconstrued as such
Define and Document requirements for the (Standards) Representative #13
Standards-related Travel Budget Clarification #6
Need estimates for next year’s participation
- TC53 participation #24
Action Items: Discuss getting OpenJSF added to the TC53 roster. Clarify policy/IPR commmitments between representatives and the OpenJS Foundation.
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