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File metadata and controls

188 lines (148 loc) · 12.4 KB

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OpenSRP client child health module library


By placing a file named in your implementation assets folder (See sample app) , one can configure certain aspects of the app

Configurable Settings

Configuration Type Default Description Boolean true Show BCG Notifications
notifications.weight.enabled Boolean true Show Record Weight pop notification up dialog Boolean false Show Next Visit date column in home register
home.record.weight.enabled Boolean true Show Record Weight column in home register
feature.nfc.card.enabled Boolean false Enable Scan NFC Card feature
feature.scan.qr.enabled Boolean true Enable Scan QR feature
feature.images.enabled Boolean true Allow profile image capture
feature.bottom.navigation.enabled Boolean false Show Bottom Navigation menu
home.toolbar.scan.qr.enabled Boolean false Show Scan QR Code in home register toolbar
home.toolbar.scan.card.enabled Boolean false Show Scan Card in home register toolbar
home.toolbar.scan.biometrics.enabled Boolean false Show Scan Biometrics in home register toolbar
details.side.navigation.enabled Boolean true Enable side navigation drawer on details page Boolean false Disable showing light blue alert for upcoming in 7 days Integer 30000 Sets duration of showing mother lookup results
mother.lookup.undo.duration Integer 10000 Sets duration of showing the undo look up view
disable.location.picker.view Boolean false Disables LocationPicker View Boolean false Use new advance search feature that is based on client search endpoint Boolean false Use new Multi Language Support for JSON forms Boolean true Show recurring services
hide.overdue.vaccine.status Boolean false Hide overdue and due vaccine states indication color
home.compliance.enabled Boolean false Hide compliance view Boolean false Show recurring services in out-of-catchment form
home.split.fully.immunized.status Boolean false Show Fully Immunized U1 status if first year vaccines are completed and Fully Immunized U2 if all vaccines are completed Boolean false Show ID column in main register when true
next.appointment.event.enabled Boolean false When set to true creates an event with the next due appointment e.g. next vaccine date Boolean false When set to true tags all events with facility locationId. For outreach/zone events the location ids is tagged as childLocationId

Multi-language Support for Immunization Group Names Shown on the Register for Upcoming Statuses

NOTE: If you set the app property to true, you are required to use JMAG (Json Multi Language Asset Generator) tool to generate string properties file used for translating the forms. The tool will also add placeholders in places of form strings in the respective form while generating the properties file. Refer to Native Form Documentation for more info.

You can enable multi-language support for Group Names shown on the register for upcoming statuses eg. Upcoming 10 weeks. 😦 This means you need to add multiple string for the same group name since this is also supported.

You do this by adding a lowercase & underscored(for spaces) string-id eg.

  • At Birth - It's string resource id will be at_birth

For group names starting with a number, you do the same as above and then add an underscore before the first character eg.

  • 6 Weeks - It's string resource id will be _6_weeks
  • 10 Weeks - It's string resource id will be _10_weeks
  • 1 Year after TT 4 It's string resource id will be _1_year_after_tt_4

Location Tree Configuration

The following configurations are required on your applications build.gradle file inorder to render the location tree correctly Here's an example:

        buildConfigField "String[]", "LOCATION_LEVELS", '{"Country", "Province", "District", "Facility", "Village"}'
        buildConfigField "String[]", "HEALTH_FACILITY_LEVELS", '{"Country", "Province", "District", "Health Facility", "Village"}'
        buildConfigField "String[]", "ALLOWED_LEVELS", '{"Facility"}'
        buildConfigField "String", "DEFAULT_LEVEL", '"Facility"'

For context, the locations are synced from the server side after app login and they consist of two related data items

  • The location name e.g Kenya
  • The location tag e.g. Country

The above configurations and their use are defined below

  • LOCATION_LEVELS - This this is an ordered list of the location tags as you'd want to render them
  • HEALTH_FACILITY_LEVELS - This this is an ordered list of the facility location tags
  • DEFAULT_LEVEL - This this is a string for the default select Location on the location picker
  • ALLOWED_LEVELS - This this is a list of tags on the location tree that can be selected on your forms e.g. for one question you can select Facility and another question on the same from you can select District if the setting was buildConfigField "String[]", "ALLOWED_LEVELS", '{"Facility"}'

Location Spinner Configuration

Location selection can optionally be done using cascaded drop-downs.

For location name reverse look-up to be done correctly in the registration view, form fields of type spinner meant to select a location must have tag sub_type set to location.

For cascaded location spinners to pre-populate the default location or saved location on the form, they need to be grouped. Tag value_field was added to provide the link between related spinner fields. The tag takes a value that is the key of the lowest field in the locations hierarchy selection. For example, if the hierarchy is Province > District > Commune, the value_field value for Province and District will be the JSON form field key for Commune field.

        "key": "Residential_Area_District",
        "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
        "openmrs_entity": "",
        "openmrs_entity_id": "",
        "type": "spinner",
        "sub_type": "location",
        "value_field": "Residential_Area_Commune",
        "hint": "Child's Residential Area District",
        "options": [
        "key": "Residential_Area_Commune",
        "openmrs_entity_parent": "usual_residence",
        "openmrs_entity": "person_address",
        "openmrs_entity_id": "address3",
        "type": "spinner",
        "sub_type": "location",
        "hint": "Child's Residential Area Commune",
        "options": [

Form Level Configuration

For the location picker widget to render on the form the basic configuration is:

       "key": "Residential_Area",
        "openmrs_entity_parent": "usual_residence",
        "openmrs_entity": "person_address",
        "openmrs_entity_id": "address3",
        "openmrs_data_type": "text",
        "type": "tree",
        "hint": "Child's residential area *",
        "tree": [

        "v_required": {
          "value": true,
          "err": "Please enter the child's residential area"

Selectable Levels

The above can be further configured, for example if you require to have the location hierarchy for a field to be selectable at District level then you can add the field selectable and assign it a value District which corresponds to the location tag you want selectable for that field.

Selectable Other Option

Sometimes you'd want to add an Other option in case the location is not part of the tree but you may want the user to select other and possibly show an edit text via skip logic to allow manual entry of a location. For this there is the field hierarchy which defines a hierarchy type. 3 types of configuration values are supported facility_only, facility_with_other, entire_tree

Auto-populate Location Fields

All form fields of type tree with selectable tag set will be auto-populated with the logged in provider's details. E.g., the field defined below will be auto-populated with the district of the logged in provider.

Example updated config:

       "key": "Residential_Area",
        "openmrs_entity_parent": "usual_residence",
        "openmrs_entity": "person_address",
        "openmrs_entity_id": "address3",
        "openmrs_data_type": "text",
        "type": "tree",
        "hint": "Child's residential area *",
        "tree": [

        selectable: "District"
        hierarchy: "facility_with_other"

More on Native form library widgets can be found here

Supporting Mother Lookup

Mother lookup functionality is a feature that allows you to search for a list of available mothers when doing child registration. This comes in handy when you want to register a sibling to an existing child. This functionality pre-populates the mother form fields, when you select a mother from the search results.

To include this functionality in your app first apply the following attributes to the child enrollment form json.

 "look_up": "true",
 "entity_id": "mother"

Note: Mother lookup dialog will only be shown on fields of type EditText since the dialog is only triggered by the TextWatcher listener. However other fields that are not of the type EditText are also filled with the returned values.

Next override 2 classes org.smartregister.child.activity.BaseChildFormActivity andorg.smartregister.child.fragment.ChildFormFragment class. The subclass of ChildFormFragment is used in BaseChildFormActivity. Also remember to register the subclass of the BaseChildFormActivity to your AndroidManifest.xml file.

Inside the overridden ChildFormFragment class. Override the method org.smartregister.child.fragment.ChildFormFragment.getKeyAliasMap and return a map of the key field name against the column name of the client object returned by mother lookup. If you do not want a field value to be formatted before being set on the view, add them to the method org.smartregister.child.sample.fragment.SampleChildFormFragment.getNonHumanizedFields.