This docker container runs the ZeroTier client and BIRD 2.0 routing daemon. This is useful for running a BGP router attached to ZeroTier network.
The image is built on Alpine Linux to keep deployment size minimal.
For a Zerotier only client in docker see zerotier-docker which served as the inspriation for the included ZeroTier client.
Pull image the image
docker pull
Clone to local machine
git clone
Build the image
Option A: Included versions of ZeroTier and BIRD2
docker build -t zerotier-bird-router .
Option B: Specific versions of ZeroTier and/or BIRD2
docker build -t zerotier-bird-router . --build-arg BIRD_VERSION=2.0.7 ZEROTIER_VERSION=1.6.4
See example docker-compose.yml for details.
ZeroTier configuration can be accessed via CLI interactively with the container or by issuing commands to to the container:
Interactive shell:
docker exec -it <CONTAINER> /bin/sh
zerotier-cli listpeers
From Host:
docker exec <CONTAINER> zerotier-cli listpeers
Configuration persistence across restart is maintained by mounting a volume to:
(See Running)
BIRD2 is installed in /opt/bird
and configuration should be mounted to
prior to starting the container.
See the BIRD project documentation for more details.
Interactive shell:
docker exec -it <CONTAINER> birdc
Commands from Host:
docker exec <CONTAINER> birdc show protocols
Special permissions (NET_ADMIN
) and access to /dev/nut/tun
are required
to allow Zerotier to create tunnel interfaces:
Docker >1.2.0:
docker run --device=/dev/net/tun --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
-v <persisted zerotier configuration volume>:/var/lib/zerotier-one \
-v <persisted BIRD configuration volume>:/opt/bird/etc \