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Daniele Pallastrelli daniele77
Follow me on twitter at: @DPallastrelli
Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Vincenzo Giordano vinsgiordi
Web Developer | CMS & Portal Area at AlmavivA Digitaltec

AlmavivA Digitaltec Napoli

Andrea Cavallo Andrea-Cavallo
It's not a bug - it's an undocumented feature.


Riccardo Pasquini morphy76

Almawave S.p.A. Rome, Italy

Francesco Del Re engineering87
Lead Execution Manager ■ Engineer in Computer Science (MSc) ■ Executive ■ Speaker ■ Microsoft Community & OpenSource

AlmavivA Spa Rome, Italy

Giorgio Antonelli GiorgioAntonelli94
Junior HR Recruiter @inRebusrecruiting2023

inRebus Technologies s.r.l. Turin, Italy

inRebus Technologies srl | Società del Gruppo FOS inRebusrecruiting2023
InRebus srl (Gruppo FOS) Technologies è una software house e consulting company.

inRebus Technologies s.r.l. Turin, Italy

Dino Iacono dinoiacono
23 | Junior Dev

@AlmavivA Roma

Simone Natalini nataz77
27 | Systems Engineer & Technical Specialist | I'm Batman, but don't tell anyone

@Almaviva Rome, Italy