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Kiet Vuong H605-Jack
A-kiet or Kieta is fine
Gabriel Bjørnager Jensen bjoernager
Freestanding and hosted developer.

Achernar Denmark

Tonmoy Mojumder tonmoy998
Nothing to show now but will have in future

Mote Bangladesh

CodingBot ameaninglessname
moo~🐮 neigh!🐴

Pasture Left-Up-Corner

Matheus Rodrigues matheusrf96
Software Engineer at @lendtech

Lend Lambari, MG, Brazil

WOLF iyousefosama
Experienced Javascript, Web and device applications developer.
Joyal Siby joyalsiby
Creative UI/UX & Graphic Designer with a passion for crafting user-centric experiences

Dcode UX Kerala, India

Jalen Warren jalenwarren
Cybersecurity and DevOps
Esoteric Enderman esotericenderman
Ambitious programmer interested in math, game development, and modding.

@EsotericFoundation The End

Sudan Chapagain sudanchapagain
doing something on the information superhighway.

Kathmandu, Nepal

not a bugs busy bounties

Bryan C bryancandi


Ruan Barros PeppoDev
Definitely, passionate with a dev life.

BEES Arapiraca

vynco vynco7
welcome to my repo
Dan Amato Amato707
Software Engineer - Cloud Engineering

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Piotr Nowakowski piotreknow02

@blackhillsinfosec Poland

MSK msk-nightly
Muslim | Student

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Akira Valade Akkibi
3D Artist and Web Developer


Loïc De Deyn lodedeyn
Fell in love with programming in 2023. Went back to school at 27 to pursue my goals.

Brussels, Belgium

Luis Miguel Sánchez LuisMiSanVe
🇪🇸 💻 Spanish Fullstack Developer

ADV SI Spain

Giocoliere giocoliere
I'm working at the @creepercraftnet / @otakuforge & @creeperhub projects. "A human..i guess"

@creeperhub & @otakuforge Europe

Dhruv Maradiya DhruvMaradiya

student Windsor, ON CANADA

Kevin Putra Satrianto blitpxl
Student, Freelancer. I put my hobby projects here.

East Java, Indonesia

yooson YoosonChan
宁缺毋滥 The best or go without.

Earth Dream

Moussa Mousselmal L4z3x
Hi , i'm Moussa Mousselmal Cybersecurity enthusiast | web developer | CTF player


Peter González Roa peterglezroa
Software Engineer

Querétaro, México

I have a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago. My current area of study is data analytics relating to art and ethics field.

The Ohio State University Columbus, OH

Luiz kernelpenguin
Lifelong learner • Translator (PT-BR ⇌ EN-US) • Cybersecurity Enthusiast

caricax-tech Brazil

Kaushalraj Puwar KaushalrajPuwar
Sophomore @ IIIT Bangalore | iMTech CSE | Class of 28

Bengaluru, India

Randy Tan oneseedfruit
Tropical fruit with only a single seed. Unriped and sour. Fruitily making games at @gamkedo-la. Curly Tropical Observer at @Gameka-games. Pfp: @Chikoness💍❤️

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / Coventry, United Kingdom (teleporter)