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Arthur Le Saux arthurlesaux
Studying waves and convection in stellar interiors and planetary atmospheres

Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique

vlslv vlslv

VLSLV São Paulo

Dr Simon P Young spyphyz
Consultant Paediatric Neuroanaesthesist (NHS). Graduate physicist (OU). Soon to be MSc Space Science student (OU). Data analyst, neuroscientist, musician.

NHS Argyll, UK

Tomek Plewa tomekplewa

Florida State University

Ashwathi Nair nair-ashwathi
I am a PhD researcher working on the formation channel of gravitational wave sources at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav).
丹霞天文 StellarDX

Guangdong Ocean University(GDOU) Astronomy Society Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Anirban Knights-Templars
In quest of knowing the Universe

Michigan State University East Lansing

Zeyu Gao Abrygzy
A Phd student on astrophysics.

Peking University / KIAA China

Song Huang dr-guangtou
I am an assistant professor in astrophysics at Tsinghua University, China. Love galaxies!

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Philip Mocz pmocz
Computational Physicist and Software Engineer

Flatiron Institute New York, NY

Teddy JqRambo
I don't know KungFu.
Kenneth Laskoski kennethlaskoski
Curious software developer.

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Savvas Chanlaridis schanlar
PhD candidate in Astrophysics | University of Crete

Institute of Astrophysics - FORTH Heraklion, Greece

Ronaldo V. Lobato rvlobato
Physicist and GNU/Linux/FOSS enthusiast

São Paulo

Thomas Hartlep thartlep
Human, dad, scientist

Bay Area Environmental Research Institute San Francisco, CA

Anuj Gautam gautam-404
Trial and error, yessir!

University of Southern Queensland

Rishabh Singh Teja Astronomoid
Bringing down complexities.

Indian Institute Of Astrophysics Bengaluru, India

Tomoya Takiwaki takiwaki
Researcher on astrophysics.

National Astronomical Observatory of Japan MItaka, Tokyo, Japan

Avinash Singh sPaMFouR
Post Doctoral Researcher, Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University

Stockholm University Stockholm, Sweden

Mathieu Renzo mathren
Astrophysicist, mostly working on numerical simulations of (massive) binary stars.

University of Arizona, Steward Observatory Tucson