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Laique M. Djeutchouang Djeutsch
Earth System Science & Climate Modelling | Physical Oceanography | Data Science + Engineering + ML + Visualization | Scientific Computer Programming


Paulo paulo-theocean
An oceanographer with ML passions.
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Eric Gallager cooljeanius
Help, the older computers of my collection are still broken! Please send repairspeople.

NH House of Representatives New Hampshire

Benjamin Meyers meyersbs
Research Computing Facilitator II @ RIT. Tea lover, beard enthusiast, LEGO builder, beer snob.

@RIT-RC Rochester, NY

Joseph Brummett jhbrumme

University of Mississippi Oxford, MS

James Polly JamesPolly-NCO
SPA Team NCEP Central Operations
Qianye Su SQYQianYe

Guangdong Ocean University Zhanjiang, China

Giuseppe Torri gtorri

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Honolulu

DEVIN DeviNoles
Experimenting w/ Gists nowadays.
Yifan Li OeYeO
AOS Phd @ Princeton University
Meteorologist majors in quantitative precipitation forecast, ensemble forecasting, statistic post-processing, synoptic and mesoscale analysis.


Clare Singer claresinger
Atmospheric scientist @ NOAA GFDL researching aerosols, clouds, and climate.

@open-atmos @CliMA @LDEO-CREW

Mansur Ali Jisan (জিসান) mansurjisan
Physical Oceanographer | Numerical Modeler | Aerial Photographer

NOAA's National Ocean Service

Yang Xu SpikeMieMie
My name is Yang Xu. Master of Resources and Environment, Yunnan University. Research interests: Deep Learning and Climate Change.

Yunnan University South East Outer Ring Road, University Town, Chenggong District, Kunming, China

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC


East China Normal University Shanghai

Rich Neale swrneale

National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, Colorado

Vivek Seelanki vseelanki
Physical-biological Oceanographer | Postdoctoral Scholar at UW / NOAA PMEL
Mike Chupa chup-a
Scientific Visualization & HPC for research computing
Brendan Turley BrendanTurley-NOAA
Assistant Scientist working on ecological oceanography @ University of Miami. And, yes, that is a flying fish with a gondola.

CIMAS, University of Miami remote - Sea of Tranquility

Seth Underwood underwoo
Scientific Developer @NOAA-GFDL and @NOAA-RDHPCS

@NOAA-GFDL Princeton, NJ

Nina Crnivec NinaCrnivec
Atmospheric scientist interested in clouds and climate

Columbia University & NASA GISS New York, New York