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ryanycw.eth ryanycw
halo2 Dev wannabe, humble solidity contributor @harvestfi, @alibuda-lab, @social-tw

Taipei, Taiwan

hong-jen kao cades
Web Developer

Cheehoo Labs Taiwan, Keelung

tommygood tommygood
love to build goood game
@yuchen818 yuchen818
BIM Developer | VDC Engineer


Van haha39
Digital Black
Yvonne JIN Yvonne27Jin
HKU | UvA | Quantitative Social Sciences | Equally into good visuals, complex analysis, and storytelling.

University of Hong Kong

Ju Chun Ko dAAAb
Innovation Technologist . Exponential Strategist . Blockchain Enthusiast

NTU Taiwan

Chieh-Han Chen ✌️ lenatech
t (🚧 needs to move)

Taiwan / Germany

Dmytro. M webguru0110
I am a Senior Software Engineer with over 5 years of experience in web development.


badukwei badukwei
New to frontend development. Any advice would be appreciated.

Front-end Developer Taipei

Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

jy u8906250

PacketX Taiwan

Mission Kao missionkao

GICE of NTU Taiwan

Mu-An Chiou muan
So, create.


Tachun Wu tachunwu
Ex-Google DSC Lead / Brobridge Software Eng Founder of Rainforest

Awareness Labs Taoyuan

陳德生 KoukeNeko

National Chung Cheng University Kaohsiung City,Taiwan

yc97463 yc97463

@deer-shark Taiwan

Youchen Lee (isacl) youchenlee

@PDIS @g0v @UniSharp @JunyiAcademy Taiwan (臺灣)

David Chen lucemia

GliaCloud Taipei / Vancouver

ykhorizon ykhorzon
Work with machines and human. Hobby-driven engineer for some interesting field and application


Tony Duan tony84727
Software Enginner @nthu CSIA Previous @ortery, Taiwan traffic hell survivor, battle-tested pedestrian

Hsinchu, Taiwan

菘菘 SiongSng
I'm a high school student from Taiwan who loves learning, caring about social issues, and using technology to make a positive impact. ♥️ Love open source.

@LIpoic, @RPMTW, @g0v, @daodaoedu, @Open-Edu-Tw Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Paul-T.C-Yu NOOMA-42


Kelvin Ng hoishing
🐍Py 🤖AI 📱App

Kaohsiung, Taiwan

H.-H. PENG Hsins
"Good programmers use their brains, but good guidelines save us having to think out every case." - Francis Glassborow


Frank Hu frankhu1089
NFT collector / DAO contributor / Tech Reader 1/3 collect what I like. 1/3 support experiment. 1/3 support artist from Taiwan.

frontier foundation Taipei, Taiwan

A.Shaing Shaing
Gains don't stop.

Innodisk - IPA New Taipei City, Taiwan

JunYu junyu0130


Jonathan Tsai tryweb

@iii-org @iiidevops-templates Taipei, Taiwan